Engineers at UEA work on a wide variety of cutting-edge topics, bringing various disciplines together to tackle important issues across the engineering sciences.

Our academics and technical specialists work with engineering and manufacturing businesses to create innovations to solve real-world problems. We support businesses to discover practical solutions to current and future productivity challenges.

We have particular expertise in low-carbon energy, modelling and materials. We benefit from working collaboratively with the University's exceptional schools of Engineering,  Computing Sciences, Business and Environmental Sciences and across the Norwich Research Park.


Our primary research themes


Key engineering research areas are:

  • Functional materials for energy and environmental applications  
  • Modelling and simulation in engineering systems 
  • Low carbon and renewable energy systems


Computing sciences

School of Computing Sciences research is mostly into the applications of computers, but built on a solid theoretical foundation. Key research areas are: 

  • Colour 
  • Computational biology 
  • Data science and statistics 
  • Graphics, vision and Speech 
  • Smart emerging technologies 


Norwich Business School

Responsible business is a defining aspect of the School's research strategy, and a common thread throughout research activities. This involves a long term, sustainable approach to business practices that make a positive contribution to the 'triple bottom line' - economic, social and environmental performance.  

Research themes include:

  • Value chain analysis,  
  • Supply chain strategy and supply management,  
  • Data analytics 
  • Sustainable energy 
  • Social media and digital transformation


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