Contact numbers and email

You can speak to our dedicated Switchboard team on 01603 456161, Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17.00.

Ring 01603 592092 if you have lost your keys or are locked out of your accommodation.
UEA Accommodation Live Chat

Speak to our Admissions team on Admissions Enquiries Live Chat or on the phone: +44(0)1603 591515, Monday: 10:00-11:00 & 13:30-16:30 and Tuesday to Friday: 09:30-12:30 and 13:30-16:30 about any questions you have for admissions.

Alternatively please email

If you wish to make a complaint about residents that you think are UEA students, please contact our UEA Community Liaison Team.

You may also wish to consider addressing your concerns to:

Norwich City Council
Norfolk Constabulary 

To enquire about hosting a conference at UEA, email

View our Conferences and Events pricing.

Speak to us on IT Services Live Chat - Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

​​​​​​You can also email us on or call +44 (0)1603 592345.

Speak to us on Student Information Zone Live Chat, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Current staff and students can visit our Learning and Teaching contact page on My.UEA (login required) for further information on how to get in touch with us.

For all media enquiries, please email
If you are calling out of hours please call security on +44 (0)1603 592352 and they will put you in touch with the duty media relations manager.

Requests to use UEA as a location for films, documentaries and photographic shoots should be emailed to Visit the Campus and Community webpage for more details of what you need to include. Locations fees apply.

Visit our Health and Safety pages.
Speak to our current students and staff on Unibuddy.

University Reception (formally Registry Reception) can be located in The Enterprise Centre.

Telephone: 01603 522223

UEA Security officers are trained to the highest level with first aid training and ready to deal with any situation. Our team are based in the Registry building and work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

General enquiries: 01603 592352

Emergencies: 01603 592222

Student Services can assist with non-urgent advice and signposting for Wellbeing, Learning Enhancement, Disability Support, SpLD, Student Life, Finance, Visa and Residential Life. Speak to one of our advisers on Student Services Live Chat, email or call 01603 597580. Please note these are only monitored Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00.