What have we done so far?

We have completed the first two work packages (WP): 

WP1: We have gathered evidence about fatigue management components, and surveyed and conducted workshops with senior staff members to help finalise a first draft Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS).


WP2: We have conducted interviews with senior leaders and collected evidence on organisational readiness, including which elements of the FRMS need to be prioritised; incident reporting practices and perceived impact of fatigue on staff; and what are the challenges and facilitators to implementation of fatigue management actions.   

What’s next? 

We are now undertaking work packages (WP) 3 and 4:  

WP3: In order to understand how fatigue is managed and experienced, we will be conducting clinical staff observations in Emergency Operations Centres/Accident Operation Centres, and with ambulance crews in four selected case study trusts in the UK. With the same aim, we will interview patients and frontline staff in our four selected case study trusts. 


WP4: We will develop an implementation strategy based on what staff and patients  have told us and on what we have observed. We will then test usability of the implementation strategy guidance.