Dr. Gavin Cawley
Gavin Cawley is a member of the Data Science and Statistics Laboratory and of the Computational Biology Laboratory. His research interests lie in the field of machine learning, with applications in environmental science and computational biology, particularly focusing on model selection, kernel machines, Gaussian processes and active and semi-supervised learning.
Dr. Chris Greenman
Chris Greenman is a member of the Computational Biology Laboratory and the Data Science and Statistics Laboratory. His research interests include recombination combinatorics, the application of statistical physics techniques to population dynamics, and stochastic processes.
Dr. Steven Hayward
Steven Hayward's research focusses on the structure and function of biomolecules, particularly proteins, employing simulation and bioinformatics methods. Research topics include domain motions in proteins and the structure of the disease causing agent in Alzheimer’s. He collaborates with Stephen Laycock to develop tools for drug discovery using haptics and with Gavin Cawley applying machine learning techniques to biomolecular problems.
Prof. Vincent Moulton
Vincent Moulton is a member of the Computational Biology Laboratory. His research interests include phylogenetics, computational biology of RNA, short RNAs, metatranscriptomics, high-throughput sequencing, algorithms in bioinformatics, and discrete structures such as graphs and finite metric spaces.
Dr. Taoyang Wu
Taoyang Wu is a member of the Computational Biology Laboratory and the Data Science and Statistics Laboratory. His research interests include algorithms and complexity, computational biology, phylogenetics, and stochastic processes in biology.