29 January 2020

My UEA Story: Anjali

Hi! I’m Anjali, a Master’s student studying Environmental Sciences at UEA. I chose UEA because it was the only university I found offering someone like me – with a non-science undergraduate background but with an interest in working in a science based field in the future – a place on an MSc like the one I’m currently doing. One of the things that’s great about the Environmental Science course is the variety of choice in the modules: some are quite technically scientific (isotope chemistry, ocean and atmospheric systems) but some aren’t (sustainable consumption, environmental impact assessment).

Life at UEA is pretty great. I lived on campus with friendly flatmates which was close to the library (which has spectacular sunset views from some of the study areas), laundry, and other facilities.



I was also involved with clubs ranging from conservation and wildlife (which organizes documentary nights and visits to local sites of interest) to show choir to floorball (similar to hockey.)

Off-campus, Norwich – which is about half an hour’s bus ride away from UEA – is a lovely city that I enjoyed discovering as I wandered through it. It’s got lots of places of historical interest, plenty of plenty of shopping options, nice green spaces, and is very friendly to walkers and cyclists.


Postgraduate study

School of Environmental Sciences