Starting university can be exciting, but there can be a lot to think about, plan for, and organise. Especially if you have a disability or a health condition to consider.
Have a look at our guide to help you with your transition into university life and studies as an undergraduate or postgraduate student:
☐ Contact Student Services about your disability/ learning difference/ health condition/ mental health condition as soon as you can. This means we can explore what support and reasonable adjustments may be helpful.
For more information and to access the UEA Disability Support Form please visit our Disability Support page.
☐ Explore Disabled Students’ Allowance and equivalent support.
Eligible students can access funded support via the Student Finance England Disabled Student’s Allowance.
If you are an Apprentice, International student, or are not eligible for DSA, please contact: disability@uea.ac.uk.
Apply as soon as you can – you don’t need to wait till you start your course.
☐ Apply for accommodation and let the team know your requirements and room adaptation needs as soon as possible.
If you need support with arriving on campus and moving luggage to your accommodation, please do get in touch as soon as possible to discuss this by emailing disability@uea.ac.uk.
For students moving into accommodation who would like to avoid the peak time, and get settled in during a quieter time, please email accom@uea.ac.uk to indicate this preference.
☐ Check out the UEA Resource Centre on tips for preparing for university life, such as budgeting.
☐ Get more familiar with the campus to help you prepare for arrival by attending an Open Day, a Quiet Mini Open Day open day or check out our Virtual Tours.
☐ Think about transport
Will you be commuting to campus? Students can access our campus via local bus routes including the park and ride.
Some students may need to park a car on campus for disability-related reasons. Once students enrol, they can apply for a parking permit with evidence. Please contact transport@uea.ac.uk if you have any questions.
☐ Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) and Access to Buildings
Make contact with Student Services if you may have difficulty exiting a building in event of a fire, such as difficulty getting downstairs, and we will arrange for Safety Services to get in touch with you.
Please also get in touch with us if you can use stairs in an emergency but may struggle using stairs on a regular basis because of your disability or health condition.
☐ Register with a local GP
It is important to contact The University Medical Centre (UMS) in advance if you have medication so you can discuss options regarding your prescriptions.
☐ Get a Buddy
Check out buddy(su).
This is a Student Union run peer-support scheme designed to help students feel supported with life at UEA. buddy(su) matches students with volunteers who have been at the University for at least a year and who are able to offer advice and friendship, helping new students navigate through the new challenges of university life.
☐ Check out UEA Student Union clubs and societies at UEA, including our Disabled Students' Community and Neurodivergent Society.