Explore some of the research being undertaken in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Gender Equality
more...Helping to improve health, child nutrition and women's lives in rural communities in India.
What Makes Employees Happy
more...Finding practical answers to questions around whether working practices can be changed in order to increase worker happiness, productivity and reduce absence.
Modern Family Working Arrangements in the UK
more...A study that aims to investigate the role of fathers in the 21st century as economic providers and carers, conducted in collaboration with UCL and NatCen.
Family Literacy
more...The Family Literacy Sub-Project of our Global Research Translation Award (GRTA) Project is working with partners in four countries (Ethiopia, Nepal, Malawi and the Philippines) to develop a more sustainable, relevant and 'bottom up' approach to family literacy.
Human Rights Law
more...Our experts are developing a new disruptive personal data model to protect your privacy.
Analysing the economic impact of the Royal Norfolk Show
more...This project was commisioned by the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (RNAA), in 2018, to better understand the wider economic benefits of the annual Royal Norfolk Show.
Sustainable Food Systems
more...The Sustainable Food Systems sub-project of our Global Research Translation Award (GRTA) Project is addressing food and nutrition insecurity in India: a problem confronting a vast majority of women and children, especially in rural, indigenous communities.
Pharmaceuticals are big business
more...Our research has explored three of the most contentious strategies pharmaceutical companies use to make money – pay-for-delay deals, me-too drugs, and product-hopping.
Interventions for Older People in Sub-Saharan Africa
more...This project addressed this knowledge gap by looking at the effects of three different policies for older people: screening for chronic health conditions, providing basic pensions and extending health insurance coverage, in Ghana and South Africa.
Understanding the EU Civil Service
more...The research report The European Commission: Facing the Future, represents the most comprehensive review of the Commission's staff and their attitudes ever conducted by an external body.
To switch or not to switch
more...The work of the Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) at UEA has been at the forefront of exploring why so many of us consumers do not switch to cheaper energy providers.
Providing a Secure Base for Troubled Children
more...To guide and support caregivers and professionals in meeting these children’s needs successfully, the free to access Secure Base model of therapeutic caregiving was developed by the Centre for Research on Children and Families at UEA.
Leading the Way in Child Protection
more...UEA studies are leading ground-breaking research examining the most serious cases of child abuse and neglect for the Government.
Is Dishonesty the Best Policy?
more...Fixing prices with competitors and bid rigging (where firms collude to raise the cost of procurement contracts and decide beforehand who will submit the winning bid) are both examples of cartel behaviour, but what are the motives behind committing them?
Internet Privacy Failure
more...How much do we know about how search engines and social media sites, such as Google and Facebook, manage and use the data they have about us? When cases like the Cambridge Analytica scandal hit the news, it puts the spotlight on how our digital footprint and the data that we willingly provide to these sites is used and potentially mis-used.
Environmental Justice
more...UEA researchers are informing the global pursuit for equity and justice in protected area governance and supporting progress towards autonomy for indigenous territories in Bolivia.
Debunking Microfinance
more...A systematic review of the evidence surrounding microfinance, a form of credit provision often touted as a remedy for poverty in the developing world.
Intelligent Community Energy (ICE)
more...The Intelligent Community Energy (ICE) project is a partnership between UEA and eight research and business support organisations in France and the UK, led by Bretagne Developpement Innovation (BDI).
Gender-ing English Language Teaching
more...Gender-ing ELT: International perspectives, practices, policies is an international project funded by the British Council which focuses on the socially relevant contribution that English language teaching (ELT) can make towards United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5 worldwide.
Challenging Ableist Perspectives on the Teaching of Mathematics
more...CAPTeaM developed and trialled activities that challenged ableist perspectives on the teaching of mathematics. Through those activities mathematics teachers reflected on ableist perspectives and on the prejudice about disabled learners’ mathematical ability that emerges from such perspectives.
Mapping University Mathematics Assessment Practices
more...MU-MAP is a research project supported by the MSOR Network through the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project, part of the National HE STEM Programme.