University life comes with a range of new experiences to help you prepare for the working world in a number of ways. Many of our students look to find a job part-time to gain valuable work experience and earn an extra source of income during their studies.
If you’re looking for your first part-time job, there are plenty of opportunities to apply for work through UEA‘s Student Careers Service (UEA login required), whether you want to work on or off campus.
Not only does part-time work bring in extra cash and teach you the fundamentals of money management, but it’s also an important step in preparing for life after studying, as well as a great opportunity to meet new people. Our Student Worker System gives you access to job opportunities across multiple departments, giving you real-life work experience while you study.
If you’re looking for more information on financial guidance during the cost-of-living-crisis, our Fees and Funding pages will give you more information on accessing support during your time with us.
Types of part-time student jobs
You can find part-time jobs on campus, at the Student Union and in Norwich city-centre. Popular job roles include:
Student ambassador
Departmental work to bolster your CV (via the Student Worker System)
Bar or hospitality work
Retail jobs
Many of our students also look for part-time jobs to support their future careers. On-campus jobs and student ambassador roles are a great option if you want to ensure your role plays a key part in your relationship with your university.
How to get a part-time job
Work during summer holidays
Working part-time during the summer holidays is a chance to save up money ahead of the start of each university term. From temporary admin, to working behind the bar at festivals or working abroad, there are plenty of types of summer jobs to help you gain experience.
Check out dedicated university job boards
UEA has its own selection of part-time jobs on offer, such as working at the Student Union, becoming a social media intern or becoming a student representative. Stay up-to-date on the latest openings by regularly checking MyCareerCentral, available for our students only. Our personalised job board is curated with students in mind, so you’re more likely to find on-campus and local jobs suited to your study schedule.
If you’re looking for a job as soon as you move in, visit our part-time jobs fair during Welcome Week. You’ll find representatives from both on-campus and local organisations, alongside a jobs board with a whole variety of part-time work available.
Update your CV
Having a well-structured and up-to-date CV plays a huge role in impressing future employers. Ask a parent, tutor or our dedicated career advisors to review your CV and cover letter before sending your application, as they will be able to offer advice on what to include in your CV, and the application process as a whole.
Look on StudentJob UK
Searching online gives you access to a whole host of job listing sites, but StudentJob is tailored specifically for students figuring out how to get a part-time job. With a collection of summer jobs, internships, weekend roles and even survey filling opportunities, StudentJob is the go-to place for students on the hunt for the perfect part-time job.
Once you’ve registered as a UEA student, you’ll also have access to MyCareerCentral, our tailored jobs board. You can browse vacancies for part-time jobs, internships and summer work, all vetted specifically for students.
With so many on offer to students, getting a part-time job is an integral part of life at UEA. If you need guidance on managing your finances and additional income once you get to university, browse our guide on setting a student budget to help your money stretch further.