MathTASK is a research and development programme that engages mathematics teachers with challenging and highly contextualised classroom situations in the form of tasks.
Teacher responses to these tasks reveal intended mathematical and pedagogical practices and provide opportunities to articulate, reflect and reform said practices. These tasks are used as instruments for research, teacher education, professional development, mathematics student teacher selection and mathematics teacher appointment mostly in the UK, Greece and Brazil as well as elsewhere. Evidence of impact includes teacher and teacher educator testimonials, qualitative and quantitative, teacher education programme materials and teacher selection documentation.
"[they] helped me think and discuss my thoughts with my colleagues, in a different setting from that of a classroom – in which you have to answer these questions by yourself, immediately"
“very useful, because there was reflection on how you dealt with teaching situations (before the session) and how you will deal with teaching situations from now on (after the session), considering them from another point of view and through another filter."
Mathematical Thinking: how does visualisation of mathematical ideas affect teaching and learning?
Classroom Management: how may students’ distracting behaviour interfere with mathematics teaching?
Inclusion: how can disabled learners be included in the mathematics classroom to the benefit of all?
Digital Resources: how can the use of digital resources shift mathematical practices in the classroom?
"…extremely helpful in making teachers search for what students feel and need, and to eventually modify their teaching”
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