Using realist evaluation and participatory action research approaches to co-design a mindfulness-based literacy intervention for use in early years settings.

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What’s the focus?

  • Unpacking the complex relationship between early literacy skills and personal, social, and emotional wellbeing
  • Supporting EYFS staff to improve children’s speech and language communication skills via mindfulness-based interventions in early years settings

What are we doing?

  • Learning how and why existing mindfulness-based interventions work to improve literacy in differing early years settings
  • Capturing this knowledge in a co-created programme theory
  • Producing preliminary guidance on elements of good practice when delivering such interventions
  • Co-designing, implementing, and evaluating a mindfulness-based intervention to improve early literacy skills

How are we doing it?

  • Using a ‘realist’ approach, which asks the questions: what works for whom, under what circumstances to what extent and why?
  • Going beyond the observed change to uncover what processes (i.e., mechanisms) bring about these outcomes and understand the contexts that activate them
  • Using ‘participatory action research’ to work with EYFS practitioners to co-produce an effective and sustainable intervention package that works in the complex reality of teaching in early years settings
  • Working in partnership with local settings and experts from across the UK


If you would like to be involved, or would like further information please email - Kate Russell ( ) or Kim Bartholomew  (

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