Careers and employability are built into every sport and health degree
Our range of professional development modules put you in control – whether you want to do a placement, a coaching qualification or a niche professional development course, the choice is yours. This flexibility ensures your degree aligns with your interests and career goals.
Our students contribute over 9000 hours annually to the local sport workforce, many of which take place within the Sportspark and the wider campus. This experience makes you career ready while giving back to the local community.
Getting involved in the opportunities that uea+sport offer will also help your development, offering you the chance to gain leadership and professional expertise. With 56 sports clubs and an award-winning physical activity programme, you won’t be short of ways to get involved, and with our research showing that students engaged in our sports programmes feel they are dealing better with being at university and get better degree outcomes, why wouldn’t you throw yourself in sport here at the UEA.