MBA Alumni: Mike Tsai

To study abroad was on my to-do list because I have always hoped to extend my horizons and explore the world.

As an MBA student with a family, my experience of this journey is quite dissimilar from others. It makes me feel so enriched to see my lovely son is around me every day. Of course, it does mean that time management is a challenge for me. I need to arrange my work and study for after his bedtime. 

For those who want to study in the UK, the most important thing is to clarify the purpose, the goal you are looking for and plan and prepare in advance. Whether it is to have an opportunity to work abroad, to go on to further study or to reach a higher level in your career. You can email or call the school any time for further support about the details of the course. After that, just do what you can and go for it. MBA is a training course for the future CEO; it contains loads of management theories and practice in just one year. Moreover, you will learn how to work with and be with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Read more about Mike