1. What were your reasons for choosing the Full-Time MBA and why now at this stage of your career?
The one-year duration was appealing, I chose it at this stage of my career, to accelerate my chances of moving up the corporate ladder. In my previous role as Manager Internal Auditor, I was privileged to report to a subcommittee of the Board of Directors and sit in these meetings. During these meetings, I have been inspired to by various leaders, from Board Members to the CEO. Obtaining an MBA will provide me a chance to acquire one these roles.
2. How has the Full-time MBA so far improved your leadership skills?
I have learned that leadership is about inspiring people through exemplary leadership. I have also learned about critical thinking, to look at situations from various perspectives, which I believe is a crucial skill for any leaders.
3. Do you think any modules in particular will impact your role and drive significant change as to how your organisation (and/or sector) does things?
Yes, I believe the implementation of Operations Management theories can have a great impact on my former organisation. I believe Managing and leading people has taught me a lot about dealing with people, who are a crucial resource to any organisation. I believe Strategy Management will help my role in keeping my organisation competitive and agile.