The purpose of the University of East Anglia’s research ethics and governance is to ensure that all research, undertaken by both staff and students, is carried out to the highest standards. The University’s Research Integrity Statement can be read here.
All researchers uphold the principles set out in the revised 2019 Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity. As part of the University's commitment to this Concordat, the University produces an Annual Research Integrity Report to Council.
Overall responsibility for maintaining the highest standards of research integrity at the University rests with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Professor Julian Blow.
Good practice guidelines and responsibilities
An established set of Guidelines on Good Practice in Research provides a framework for the highest standards of personal conduct in research ethics. These minimum standards are applicable to all staff and students in addition to their professional or funding body requirements and legislation.
All research carried out at the University is underpinned by our Research Ethics Policy.
The Open Access Policy and Research Data Management Policy expand on aspects of the Guidelines on Good Practice in Research.
Principles and standards of integrity and ethical practice
Any proposed research and innovation activity and acceptance of any associated external funding need to be consistent with the University’s stated principles and standards of integrity and ethical practice which was approved by Council in March 2017.
Research conduct
If there are any allegations of unacceptable behaviour in the conduct of research by our staff or students the University has a Public Interest Disclosure (whistleblowing) Policy and a Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct is followed.
Animal Research
The University carries out animal research to further our understanding of human diseases that have the most detrimental impact on human health and quality of life. The University is committed to meeting the highest standards of animal welfare and care, adhering to the full UK and EU legal frameworks and is also a signatory to the Concordat on Openness in Animal Research.
NHS Health and Social Care Research
For NHS health and social care research, researchers are required to adhere to the University’s high standards of research integrity and those required by the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research. The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the UEA have joint Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which apply to all healthcare research undertaken by UEA researchers. The Research and Innovation Services (RIN) acts as the formal UEA Sponsor Representative for all NHS ethics and/or Health Research Authority (HRA) governance Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) applications and process guidance is available. The University is also a supporting organisation of the AllTrials Campaign.
Research Integrity Primary Contacts
If the issue you would like to discuss relates to potential misconduct in research, please contact confidentially the relevant Head of School.
If you wish to discuss formally any other research ethics and integrity matters, please contact the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation:
For informal queries or information on the University's relevant policies or processes, please contact Research Integrity in the Research and Innovation Services:
If you are part of a research project and you have any questions or concerns about that research project, please contact the Principal Investigator in the first instance.
For queries relating to NHS Health and Social Care research ethics and governance, please contact in the Research and Innovation Services.