Research Solution Support

This role is currently unfunded and not staffed.

The IT needs for researchers can sometimes be very different to the rest of the University. We can provide full project life cycle support, including advice at the bid stage through to installation and support of a full solution.    

We can offer costings and advice on:

  • Data Storage
  • How to process your data (Local vs High Performance Computing (HPC))
  • Laptop / Desktop requirements and quotes (Windows, Linux and Mac OS)
  • Website requirements for your project (Simple vs Bespoke)
  • Data Compliance requirements (NHS DSP, GDPR, Cyber Essentials Plus)

If you have bespoke requirements for your research, such as using a server to store or process data, I can provide advice or carry out any build work or maintenance for additional fee.

Gathering Business requirements

UEA already has a large number of IT services deployed and it can be difficult to understand how your research can best make use of them.

We can assist you in building full costings for research grants and getting the most out of existing services.

Where you require bespoke support from ITCS, we can gather requirements, engaging with the relevant parties through the scoping, design, planning and implementation of the project.       

Support for bespoke IT solutions

If you have labs or lab equipment which is difficult to support we may be able to help provide advice or an active support service.

Data compliance

Increasingly research projects require higher standards of data security such as Cyber Essentials Plus and NHS Data Security Protection toolkit. We can advise on how you can achieve this.


Recent projects

Psychology MRI Scanner

  • Scoping for data storage and networking for new MRI scanner located in Psychology.