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Co-producing an Ambulance Trust National fatigue risk management system for improved Staff And Patient Safety 

Ambulance services are trying out different ways of working to help staff feel less tired at work and safer on scene.  But these actions are often piecemeal, and we don’t know whether they are making care and working environments safer.

Patient and staff outcomes can be improved through development and implementation of a fatigue risk management system (FRMS), as is done in other safety-critical industries like aviation and transport. The evidence suggests individual components of a FRMS which may be effective, but we do not yet know about the optimal packaging of these interventions. FRMS adoption in the NHS needs local tailoring and understanding of barriers and facilitators.

The aim is to develop a comprehensive fatigue risk management system for the UK NHS ambulance sector that is acceptable, feasible, and likely to improve patient outcomes and staff wellbeing and experience.

CATNAPS is funded by NIHR.   

CATNAPS is a NIHR ARC EoE project.  

Funding has been received from National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) (HSDR 131776) until June 2024.