The University of East Anglia (UEA) has ANBI status registered with the tax authorities in the Netherlands.
This means that the University does not have to pay tax on donations or inheritances it receives. In addition, giving to institutions with ANBI status has certain tax benefits.
- ANBI Registration Number – 8254 99 306
- Companies House Registration Number: RC000651
- HM Revenue & Customs Charities Reference Number: XN423
Contact us
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
University objectives
UEA is an internationally renowned university providing top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students. We aim to develop a university that is at the vanguard of student, staff, research and global success. These aims and objectives are explained in our ‘Vision 2030’. How we plan to deliver this vision is detailed in the UEA Plan 2016–20.
University management
Council is the formal body ultimately responsible for the affairs of the University.
A full list of Council’s members and their roles is available . Council members do not receive any payment from the University other than expenses.
Further information regarding the responsibilities of the University’s Council is available.
University remuneration policy
UEA operates an annual review process for the award of promotions, special increments, discretionary awards and ex-gratia payments. Details of all University staff pay scales are published.
UEA Senior Officers’ remuneration is considered by the University’s Senior Officers’ Remuneration Committee (a sub-committee of UEA Council).
University financial accounts
The University’s financial accounts are published on the financial statements page.