Council Tax Certificates
Information regarding eligibility for a certificate for confirmation of full-time student status for Council Tax purposes, and how to obtain one.
Council Tax is the way in which local Councils in England and Wales fund the services and facilities they provide. All the households within the Council's district should register with the Council for Council Tax purposes and each household will receive a Council Tax bill from the Council. In simple terms, the bill is calculated partly on the value of the property and partly on the number and type of occupants living in the property. The Council Tax year runs from 1 April in one year to 31 March in the following year (eg 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016).
Full time students on courses of at least a full academic year and one-semester Visiting Exchange students are entitled to student status for Council Tax purposes and will receive a Council Tax certificate confirming their status from the University.
Take a look at the Council Tax Explanatory Notes page for further information on the following:
Council Tax Exemption
Eligibility for student status
How to register with the Council for Council Tax Purposes
What to do if you cease to be eligible for student status
The status of students who interrupt their studies.
As University residences are exempt from Council Tax, students living in them do not need to register with their local Council for Council Tax purposes.
Students living outside of University residences should register with their local Council for Council Tax purposes. For most students this is likely to be Norwich City Council, whose contact details are: Revenue Services, City Hall, Norwich NR2 1WJ. You can call their main telephone number 0344 980 3333 and further information is available on the Norwich City Council website.
Please note that if you remain living outside of University residences after the end date stated on your Council Tax Exemption Certificate you may no longer be eligible for Council Tax exemption. Please check with your local Council Tax office.
Part Time Students and Council Tax
We have a further guidance note on the page regarding part time students and council tax.
Further Information and Advice Regarding Council Tax
Any queries regarding your Council Tax bill should initially be addressed to your local Council Tax Office. If you would like further help or advice with Council Tax, you might like to contact the Union of UEA Students Advice Centre, based in Union House.
Additional Information For Postgraduate Research Students
Council Tax Exemption Certificates will be available to you whilst you are in your full-time period of advanced study and research. When you commence the writing-up period for your thesis you will no longer be entitled to a certificate. You can, however, obtain a letter covering your writing-up period.
Please submit your request via our online Letter Request form.
How to Obtain a Council Tax Certificate
Once students have completed all elements of registration at the beginning of each academic year they can print their own Council Tax Exemption Certificate from the relevant link on their e:Vision home page.
It is the University's policy to only issue Council Tax Certificates directly to students and we will not issue certificates to third parties without the student's consent to do so.