

PREPARE-ABC June 2018 Newsletter

The latest Prepare-ABC newsletter is out now! It's packed with lots of useful information about the number of patients recruited, sites opened, the latest recruitment tips and FAQs. This months issue also has a section about the GDPR changes that came into effect in May. Check out all of the information in June's newsletter below.

A Recruitment Milestone!

Well done to all of our sites for helping us to achieve the terrific result of recruiting  200 patients!  This is an amazing achievement and one that we can all be proud of. With 18 sites signed up to the trial and more opening each month Prepare-ABC really is going from strength to strength. This figure was helped in part by a new  record breaking monthly high of 27  patients in April. We're keen to keep this momentum going and reach new hights in the months to come. For...

February 2018 Workshop

We had a superb turnout for the Prepare-ABC February 2018 workshop in London. The day was hugely successful and we were able to share recruitment ideas and strategies from breakout sessions and provide training for the CPET and exercise counselling aspects of the trial. As well as a comprehensive overview of the trial, there was also a questions and answers session. It was great to see so many faces and we would like to thank everyone for making this a positive and engaging experience.

PREPARE-ABC January Newsletter

Our first newsletter of the New Year has now been circulated to open sites. For trial news and recruitment information please see the January 2018 Newsletter below.

Recruitment Target Milestone Met!

PREPARE-ABC has now reached 10% of our recruitment target! This is a fantastic result and has only been possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of all the trial teams at each one of our sites. We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for their efforts. With more sites now open than ever before it won't be long before we reach our recruitment goal. Well done everyone!

Outstanding October

October has been our most successful month yet, with a total of  23 patients  randomised, bringing our total recruitment to  80 patients! Congratulations go to the teams at  Cambridge, South Tyneside, Northumbria and Glasgow  for recruiting their first patients this month!  Nottingham  are top of the league table this month with a fantastic  4 patients  recruited! A HUGE thank you to all of our sites for keeping up the momentum with all of...

Spectacular September

Its been a very busy month on Prepare-ABC, and it has been out best recruiting month yet with  15 patients  randomised! We already off to a flying start in October with 7 patients recruited, bringing our patient total to  64 patients ! Hopefully we can continue our record-breaking streak into October.  We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our sites for their hard work maintaining this momentum . The Prepare Pedal Push Mountain below shows exactly where everyone...

Prepare-ABC Recruiting at 17 Sites!

Prepare-ABC is now recruiting at 17 sites across the UK! Check out our map on the About page. There are a number of sites also in active set-up, but here are the sites where we are actively recruiting: Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ...

September Recruitment So Far...

It has been another busy week on Prepare-ABC! Firstly we would like to welcome  NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde  to the Prepare-ABC family, we are looking forward to working with you on the study! There have been another 3 patients recruited this week, bringing our total to  47  patients and  5  for September so far! The scores for September are:   Nottingham (2) Peterborough (1) Derby (1) Exeter (1)   Congratulations to ...

Amazing August

August was a record month for recruitment, 13 patients were randomised across our sites! This is our top recruiting month of the trial so far, so thank you to all our staff for their continued hard work. Patient numbers continue to increase as we head into September, with two patients recruited already, bringing our overall total to 44 patients. Norwich continues to hold on to their top spot on the Prepare Pedal Push Recruitment Mountain, but the race is on...

PREPARE-ABC July Newsletter

Our first newsletter has now been circulated to open sites. For trial news and recruitment information please see the July Newsletter below.

Prepare Pedal Push!

Dear all,   The bikes are continuing to push up the Prepare-ABC recruitment mountain, with another  4 patients  recruited last week, bringing our total to  38 !   Well done to Nottingham, out top recruiting site this week: Nottingham (2) Imperial (1) Peterborough (1) Many thanks to all of you for your continued hard work, recruitment has been great over the last couple of weeks!

Prepare Pedal Push - Recruitment Update

What a leap in recruitment! We have reached 29 patients in total, with 10 patients recruited in July alone! Nottingham holds the top spot as the biggest recruiter in July so far: Nottingham (3) Norwich (2) Peterborough (2) Exeter (1) Derby (1) Birmingham (1) Follow us on Twitter @prepareabc to see how the bikes climb the PREPARE-ABC mountain! A big thank you to all our sites for their continued hard work.

Prepare-ABC recruiting at 10 UK sites!

Prepare-ABC is now recruiting at 10 sites across the UK! There are a number of sites that are almost open, but here are the sites where we are actively recruiting: Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Derby Teaching...

Introducing the PREPARE Pedal Push!

As patient numbers rise, watch as the bikes start to climb that recruitment mountain!!

Prepare-ABC Recruiting at 5 UK Sites!

A  huge thank you  to the Prepare-ABC site study teams for their continued hard work to get Prepare-ABC off the ground! We are now open to recruitment at 5 sites across the UK, with a number of further sites on the cusp of activation in the coming weeks. Prepare-ABC is open at the following centres: Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust ...

Prepare-ABC at UEA HSC Research Festival

Our Process Evaluation team had the pleasure of presenting a poster of their initial findings of the Prepare-ABC Process Evaluation at the UEA School of Health Sciences Research Festival last week;  to view the poster click here . The festival gave the team a chance to discuss the study, the process evaluation component and their first findings with staff and students from both within the University and external visitors.  For more information on the process evaluation...

Prepare-ABC in the media - World Cancer Day

As part of World Cancer Day, 4th February, both the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS FT and Northumbria University issued press releases introducing and highlighting the design and aims of Prepare-ABC. For more information see the links below or contact the NCTU trial team at ...

Prepare-ABC Recruiting at 3 UK Sites

Prepare-ABC is now open to recruitment at 3 sites across the UK! A big thank you to the teams at  Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ,  Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  and the  Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust  to get the study up and running. We wish you the best of luck with recruitment! 

Prepare-ABC First Patient Recruited!

We are pleased to share the news that we recruited the first Prepare-ABC patient in November 2016. We are currently open to recruitment at two sites in the UK; Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. There a number of sites in various stages of set-up which will be open to recruitment in the coming months.