Computing Sciences
Dive into computing and play your part in the technology changing our world.
In our day to day lives we’re surrounded by technology and systems that are constantly generating data. What is that data telling us and how can we use those systems to tackle the problems facing our world?
Our accredited computing courses at UEA offer you the space and support to explore these questions and more.
Go beyond what you read in the news about generative AI. Delve deeper into how we interact with systems and how different data models can help tackle challenges in all sectors, including those listed in UN Sustainable Development Goals in healthcare, education, transportation, agriculture, climate change and even space exploration.
Industry connections and commitment to boosting your employability mean you’ll learn both the fundamentals of computing science and how to build a future in a sector full of possibilities.
Why choose Computing Science at UEA?
for Computer Sciences and Information Systems
in Computer Science for Graduate Prospects
of our research output is rated as "World-Leading" or "Internationally Excellent”
of our research output is deemed to have “outstanding” impacts
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Your study options
Year Abroad options
Year in Industry options
Master's part time options
Join a thriving and innovative research community
The applications of computing spread into lots of sectors, including medicine, healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, sustainability and climate change. And that diversity is reflected in our research.
Our computing and data science research is spread across 8 core areas:
Colour and imaging
Computational biology
AI and data science
Smart emerging technology
Cyber security
Interactive graphics and audio
Health technologies
Marine and offshore computing
Current projects range from developing innovative algorithms to compute ‘how we see’, helping North Sea fishery industry sort their catch using image analysis and machine learning in the ocean to map the seafloor.
You’ll get involved in hands-on research or commercial projects proposed by our academics and we also offer internship opportunities. The outputs of our research feed the design of the courses we teach.
Learn more about research in the school of Computing Sciences.
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We also hold regular webinars on a broad range of topics about university, like personal statements, student finance, and life as a student.
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