
Low carbon innovations are integral to address climate change. Low carbon innovations imply changes to the ways we produce and use energy, move around, eat, use land, build our cities and integrate information technologies into our daily lives.
Objectives and Activities
The Social Influence and disruptive Low Carbon Innovations project (called SILCI) is a four year research initiative exploring disruptive low carbon innovations and how they spread through processes of social influence. Throughout the project the SILCI team will look to:
- understand the attributes of disruptive low carbon innovations valued by actual and potential users;
- assess the strength and mechanisms of social influence in the diffusion of disruptive low carbon innovations;
- test strategies and actions for using social influence to accelerate a low carbon transition.
This project has opened up a new scientific field on disruptive low carbon innovations using rigorous scientific methods applied to a wide range of novel data. The SILCI website is a fantastic source of information and is regularly updated. The SILCI project’s Charlie Wilson has been active in disseminating his findings. Charlie took part in a plenary discussion panel on the topic of ‘making net zero work’ as well as co-authoring the 2019 Emissions Gap Report for United Nation’s Environment Programme.
The project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the European Research Council, grant agreement No 678799.
Principal Investigator
Professor Charlie Wilson (School of Environmental Sciences/Tyndall Centre, UEA)
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SILCI project interviewed on the Canadian BBC
Social Influence and disruptive Low Carbon Innovations (SILCI)