Journal publications

Backhouse, T., S. P. Hammond, J. L. Cross, N. Lambert, A. Varley, B. Penhale, C. Fox and F. Poland (2020).
Making body work sequences visible: an ethnographic study of acute orthopaedic hospital wards.
Sociology of Health & Illness 42(5): 1139-1154. 

In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric

Smith, T. O., A. W. Gilbert, A. Sreekanta, O. Sahota, X. L. Griffin, J. L. Cross, C. Fox and S. E. Lamb (2020).
Enhanced rehabilitation and care models for adults with dementia following hip fracture surgery

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2).

In the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric

Fox, C., R. J. Howard, C. Ballard, J. Cross, F. Poland, M. R. John Knapp, C. Henderson, E. Teale, B. Penhale, O. Sahota, S. P. Hammond, L. Shepstone, T. Backhouse and A. MacLullich (2019).

Peri-operative enhanced recovery hip fracture care of patients with dementia (perfected): RCT results
Alzheimer's & Dementia 15(7, Supplement): P1448.

In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric

Gill, N., S. Hammond, J. Cross, T. Smith, N. Lambert and C. Fox (2017).
Optimising care for patients with cognitive impairment and dementia following hip fracture
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 50 (Suppl 2): 39-43.


Among the highest-scoring outputs from this source (#33 of 154)




Hammond, S. P., J. L. Cross, P. Shepstone, T. Backhouse, C. Henderson, P. Poland, E. Sims, A. MacLullich, B. Penhale, H. Robert, L. Nigel, V. Anna, O. S. Toby, S. Opinder, D. Simon, P. Martyn, B. Clive, Y. John, K. Martin, J. Stephen, W. Justin, L. Nick, H. Gregory and F. C (2017).

"PERFECTED enhanced recovery (PERFECT-ER) care versus standard acute care for patients admitted to acute settings with hip fracture identified as experiencing confusion: study protocol for a feasibility cluster randomized controlled trial."
Trials18(1): 1-10. 


In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric




Hammond, S. P., C. Fox, J. L. Cross, F. M. Poland, B. Penhale, T. O. Smith and M. Patel (2017).
"Freedom of information act: Scalpel or just a sharp knife?"
Journal of Medical Ethics43(1): 60-62. 


In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric





Fox, C. et al., (2018) Acute Care for Patients with Cognitive Impairment: A Qualitative Study (Oral Paper) Alzheimer Europe Conference (October 29-31, Barcelona, Spain)

Coxon, A. (2018) Improving the Implementation of Enhanced Recovery Pathways: Insights from Qualitative Research (Oral Paper) British Psychological Society East of England Conference (September 24, University of East Anglia, UK)

Coxon, A. (2017) Implementing a new enhanced recovery pathway: A qualitative study comparing three UK hospitals (Oral Paper) Division of Health Psychology Conference (September 6-8, Cardiff, UK)

Coxon, A. (2017) Assessing the implementation of a new Enhanced Recovery Pathway in three hospitals (Oral Paper) European Health Psychology Society Conference (August 29-September 2, University of Padua, Italy)

Cross, J. et al., (2017) Disruptions, Discontinuities & Dispersions: An Ethnography of Disjunctures in Orthopaedic Wards. (Oral Paper) 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics (July 23-27, San Francisco, USA).

Coxon, A. (2017) Exploring the role of Service Improvement Lead in Enhanced Recovery Pathway Implementation (Oral Paper) Qualitative Methods in Psychology Conference (July 5-7, University of Aberystwyth, UK)

Fox, C. et al., (2017) International Translational Care Research. (Symposium) 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics (July 23-27, San Francisco, USA).

Hammond, S.P., et al., (2017). Getting on or getting better? A multi-perspective insight into the provision of care for care to cognitively impaired patients (Oral Paper). Early Researcher Preconference Event “Ageing Matters” British Gerontology Society (July 5, Swansea, UK).

Fox, C., Hammond, S.P., Patel, M., Lambert, N., & Poland, F. (2015). Best practice in hip fracture: enhancing recovery – messages from the PERFECTED research programme (Plenary). 10th European Delirium Association and British Geriatrics Society Dementia Special Interest Group (September 3-4, London, UK) 



Fox, C. et al., Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona (October 2018).
“Are you comfortable now?” Person-centred care practices on acute trauma wards caring for people with cognitive impairments: An ethnographic study”

Fox, C. et al., Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona (October 2018).
“Bribe Them With Cake”; Implementing change in acute hospital settings; An action research study”

Fox, C. et al., Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona (October 2018).
“Implementation of the PERFECT-ER intervention designed to enhance recovery for people with hip fracture and cognitive impairment in acute trauma wards”

Cross, J. et al., Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona (October 2018).
“Disruptions, discontinuities & dispersions: An ethnography of disjunctures in orthopaedic wards”

Fox, C. et al., Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona (October 2018).
“Neuroinflammatory biomarkers associated with cognitive impairment in delirium and dementia”

Cross, J. et al. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, London (July 2017) 
"Implementation of the Perfect-ER Intervention Designed to Enhance Recovery for People with Hip Fracture and Cognitive Impairment in Acute Trauma Wards"

Varley A., et al. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, London (July 2017)
“'Are You Comfortable now?' Person-Centred Care Practices on Acute Trauma Wards Caring for People with Cognitive Impairments: An Ethnographic Study”

Patel, M., Lee, S., Hammond, S. & Fox, C. Contributors: Donaldson, D., Cross, J., Poland, F., Smith, T., Penhale, B., Lambert, N., Varley, A. & Backhouse. T. European Geriatric Medicine International Congress (EUGMs) (October 2016)
Caring for people with hip fracture and cognitive impairments: qualitative findings from the PERFECTED Research Programme” 

Coxon, A., Nielsen, K., Fox, C. & Cross, J. European Health Psychology Society & Division of Health Psychology 30th Annual Conference, Aberdeen (August 2016)
Implementing Enhanced Recovery Pathways: a literature review with realist synthesis

Coxon, A. et al., University of East Anglia Postgraduate Research Student Conference, Norwich (March 2016)
“Implementing Enhanced Recovery Pathways: a literature review with realist synthesis” 

Backhouse T., Lambert, N., Varley, A., Hammond, SP., Henderson, C., Harris, E., Vanhegan, S., Caswell, A., Poland, F., Smith, T., Penhale, B., Cross, J. and Fox, C. Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference, Manchester (June 2015)
An observational study of acute hospital care to inform a recovery pathway for hip-fracture patients with dementia

Fox, C., Lambert, N., Poland, F., Cross, J., Sahota, O., Teale, E., Donell, S., Penhale, B., Smith, T., Hammond, SP. Backhouse, T., and Varley, A. Alzheimer’s Society Conference, Nottingham (July 2014)
“Designing a hospital observational study involving lay researchers: the methodological challenges”