Decision analysis in healthcare
Health economics is about how to allocate finite (“scarce”) resources amongst alternative uses to promote health. Our aims as a group are to inform decisions about the use of health care resources at local, national and international level and to build capacity and promote the uptake of health economics in healthcare decision making.
We develop and apply high quality methods in our research as well as training the next generation of health economists through our successful Master of Science and PhD programmes in Health Economics. Our activities help ensure our health services are sustainable and contribute to improving the health and well-being of patients and the general public.
Our Research
Our research revolves around a central theme of decision-making in health care and key areas include:
• Health economic evaluation
• Patient preferences and outcome valuation
• Social care policy
• Applied econometrics in health and healthcare research
Click the research tab above for more details about our work to advance methods and inform policy, or email Lisa Rowe for more information.
Health Economics Working Papers
Research With Us
We regularly advertise PhD opportunities for those interested in pursuing research in health economics to a greater depth. Alternatively, if you have an idea you wish to develop, speak to one of our staff whose research interests overlap with your topic.
For those with a strong economics background, we are very pleased to be able to offer the opportunity to apply for funding through the South East Network for the Social Sciences, covering fees and living expenses for either a three year PhD, or a ‘1+3’ covering our MSc and the PhD.
Our Team
Garry Barton – Professor of Health Economics
Rory Cameron – Lecturer in Health Economics
Sarah Pyne – Senior Research Associate
Helen Risebro - Senior Research Associate
David Turner – Associate Professor
Adam Wagner – Associate Professor
Lisa Miners - Senior Research Associate
Krishnan Puri Sudhir - Senior Research Associate
PhD Student
We are physically based within the Norwich Medical School on the UEA Campus a couple of miles to the West of Norwich City Centre.
For more information about our research and general enquiries, please email Lisa Rowe.
Health Economics Group
Norwich Medical School
University of East Anglia
Norwich, NR4 7TJ