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UG Applicant days
Former Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Heads of School, Other Senior Academic role holders
Former Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors - Arts and Humanities
Former Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors - Medicine and Health Sciences
Former Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors - Science
Former Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors - Social Sciences
Former Head of the School of Art, Media and American Studies
Former Head of the School of Biological Sciences
Former Head of the School of Chemistry
Former Head of the School of Computing Sciences
Former Head of the School of Economics
Former Head of the School of Education and Lifelong Learning
Former Head of the School of Environmental Sciences
Former Head of the School of Health Sciences
Former Head of the School of History
Former Head of the School of International Development
Former Head of the School of Law
Former Head of the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing
Former Head of the School of Mathematics
Former Head of the Norwich Medical School of the University of East Anglia
Former Head of the Norwich Business School
Former Head of the School of Pharmacy
Former Head of the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies
Former Head of the School of Psychology
Former Head of the School of Social Work and Psychology *2012/13 Split into separate schools SWK/PSY
Former Head of the School of Social Work
Former Head of Faculty School for the School of Arts and Humanities
Former Head of Faculty School for the Interdisciplinary Institute of the Humanities
Former Head of Faculty School for the School of Natural Sciences
Former Head of Faculty School for the School of Science
Former Associate Deans of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Former Associate Deans of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Former Associate Deans of the Faculty of Science
Former Associate Deans of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Former Academic Directors of UEA