Student Engagement - 2023/24
This procedure covers what you can expect if UEA has concerns about your absence from classes, missed coursework submission or other indications that you are not engaging with your studies.
It also covers what you can expect if there are issues which may be affecting your own safety or where your behaviour may be impacting on the welfare of other students and staff.
It covers what steps UEA will put in place to help you to improve your engagement. It is for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students: postgraduate research students have a separate procedure. It should be read in conjunction with General Regulation 13, Engagement, which sets out the engagement regulations you must abide by.
There are other documents which you may wish to refer to. In particular, the Student Partnership Agreement provides an overview of UEA's and students’ mutual responsibilities and obligations in establishing an outstanding and vibrant community of learning.
If you have any queries about this procedure please contact your Academic Adviser, your LTS Programme Team, Student Services or the SU Advice Centre.