2.1 Membership
Membership will consist of:
The Chief Resource Officer
The Head of Information Compliance and Data Protection Officer
The Director of IT
Head of Planning
Director of HR
Head of Admissions
Assistant Director of Estates Finance, Risk and Administration
Research Integrity Manager
Author: Info-Comp (EP) Classification: Open Version: 1 (May 19)
Representative from both LTS & SSS
Representative from research
Terms of Reference
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Group is to encourage the effective management of University information in all formats, locations and lifecycle stages, in order to meet operational, legal and regulatory requirements, and to support the University in identifying and managing its information needs, risks and responsibilities.
In this context, information compliance includes data protection, freedom of information and records management.
The Group will not have oversight of IT security issues, but acknowledges that security of data is critical to information compliance. Issues concerning IT security may be brought to the Group for information only.
The Group will:
Provide a focal point for the resolution and discussion of information compliance issues
Review the University’s policies and procedures in relation to information compliance
Monitor the effectiveness of the University’s activities in relation to achieving and maintaining compliance with relevant legislation
Receive and consider reports on incidents and breaches of the legislation, and monitor any remedial action
Communicate and guide the University’s commitment to privacy by design and by default
Coordinate and communicate any identified risks or concerns associated with information to the appropriate University body
Prioritise and promote information compliance initiatives
Understand and document the scope of information compliance within the University
Agree and coordinate actions to change the culture of information compliance within the University
2. Composition
2.1 Membership
Membership will consist of:
The Chief Resource Officer
The Head of Information Compliance and Data Protection Officer
The Director of IT
Head of Planning
Director of HR
Head of Admissions
Assistant Director of Estates Finance, Risk and Administration
Research Integrity Manager
Author: Info-Comp (EP) Classification: Open Version: 1 (May 19)
Representative from both LTS & SSS
Representative from research
2.1.1 Chair
The Chair will be the Chief Resource Officer.
2.1.2 Invited members
The Group may co-opt additional members who they consider have particular skills and experience that would assist the work of the Group.
2.3 Attendance
All members of the Group are required to attend meetings or send representation in their absence for continuity purposes.
3. Meetings
3.1 Frequency
The Group will meet quarterly.
3.2 Agenda and Papers
The meeting agenda and supporting papers will be distributed at least five working days in advance of the meetings to allow time for review and consideration. All documentation will follow University templates published here:
3.3 Minutes
Formal minutes will be kept of the proceedings and submitted for approval at the next Group meeting. Minutes will be retained according to the Information Compliance Records Retention Schedule.
4. Management & Accountability
The Chair is a member of the Executive Team, which has responsibility for ensuring the University meets its legal obligations on behalf of Council.
The Group will report to the Executive Team.
Members may otherwise report the Group’s activities and progress to other University boards or committees as appropriate.
The Group shall review its own performance, effectiveness, and terms of reference on an annual basis.