As a contractor working at the University, you’ll need to be aware of the requirements and responsibilities for undertaking contracted works.
The UEA Estates and Facilities Division has in place a procedure for managing contractors and their employees, including any sub-contractors, engaged in works on University premises.
Information for Contractors
- A contractor is anybody engaged in a work activity or undertaking who is not an employee of the University. Contractors are typically engaged for maintenance, repairs, installation, demolition or other routine maintenance work activities that involve an interaction with the fabric of a building or University grounds.
- Contractors are required to submit a suitable risk assessment and method statement for their work activities, along with competence details for all operatives who will attend site and copies of company liability insurance certificates to their UEA host for approval.
- All contractors are required to sign in at the Permit Office located in the Building 25 loading bay prior to commencing works on the UEA campus. The Permit Office is open Monday to Friday 07:30-16:30. The Permit Office can be contacted by telephone on 01603 591122.
Permit office access and directions
The UEA Permit Office is located by the Building 25 loading bay off Chancellors Drive.