We invite applications from outstanding young researchers to carry out PhD research with us. Funding options are available for researchers, including the SeNSS scholarships (The South East Network for Social Sciences). Applications from students with independent sources of funding are also welcome.
Interested individuals should, in the first instance, make contact with a potential supervisor to discuss opportunities to develop a new project or submit their own independent project proposal. All applicants must submit a two-three page research proposal, even if applying to an advertised project title, unless specifically indicated otherwise. The main application period is November through January. Please contact the director of postgraduate admissions Dr Sara Bengtsson to discuss applications outside of this window.
Postgraduate students in Psychology have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including our range of behavioural and neuroimaging laboratories as well as the world-class Developmental Dynamics laboratory. The School hosts the Postgraduate Research Support Group, where students benefit from collaborative discussions with other students and academic staff on issues related to research practice, professional development, and other issues relevant to their career stage.
Many of our recent PhD recipients have gone on to secure jobs at outstanding institutions both within the UK and internationally, including lectureships (Sussex, University of Padua (Italy)), UEA and postdoctoral fellowships (Oxford, Cambridge, University of Central London, McGill University, Italian Institute of Technology). Others have moved into the non-academic sector, winning positions at organisations such as Ofqual and the National Health Service, and as scientific advisers to local and national governments.
MRes Social Science Research Methods
Give yourself the edge by studying at an internationally renowned centre for impactful research. Whether you’re a recent graduate with an interest in research, or are already in practice with a research question that you wish to investigate, this MRes will push you towards the forefront of your field. Throughout the course, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills you need to successfully complete a piece of Master’s level research.