The School of Education and Lifelong Learning is committed to supporting the professional development of teachers at all stages of their careers.
We work with a range of partners to promote Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities and to offer a range of conferences and short courses to support teacher development and school improvement in the region. Our CPD programmes encompass the needs of teachers new to the profession, those who aspire to leadership roles and those who are interested in the theory, policy and practice of education.
Early Career Teachers
Our Professional Development for Early Career Teachers massive open online course (MOOC) has been designed primarily to support teachers in the early stages of their teaching career in the following areas:
Reflective practice and how this can be used to review and develop in teaching and learning.
Strategies for managing workload.
Approaches to effective behaviour management in order to promote behaviours for learning.
The use of assessment for learning (AFL) strategies to effectively assess the progress and learning needs of children.
Approaches for providing appropriate challenge and differentiation.
Master's Level Study
We offer a part-time Master’s programme - MA Professional Practice in Education
Other Opportunities
As part of our engagement with teachers, educational leaders and other stakeholder, we welcome proposals for courses or events that are not currently in our portfolio. Please contact us -