We have a vibrant research community in the School of Economics and we invite speakers from around the globe to present their work at out external seminar series, offering weekly opportunities to share research.

The seminar presentations are presented in a mixture of online and in-person presentations and are open to UEA staff and PGR students. Our External Research Seminar Series is organized by Ariel Gu and Cara Liggins. 

We are pleased to announce that the following speakers will be presenting during our 2023/24 Spring Semester:

1 February 2024
Helena Perrone (University of Mannheim)

8 February 2024
Peter Wakker (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

15 February 2024
Franck Portier (University College London)

22 February 2024
Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of Oxford)

29 February 2024
Lorenzo Neri (St Andrews University)

7 March 2024
Ara Jo (University of Bath)

14 March 2024
Matteo Pazzona (Brunel University London)

2 May 2024
Alfonsina Iona (Queen Mary University of London)

9 May 2024 
Giacomo Calzolari (European University Institute)

16 May 2024
Linda Nøstbakken (Norwegian School of Economics & Statistics Norway)

  • Jens Prüfer, Associate Professor of Economics at Tilburg University and a member of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC)
  • Mathias Reynaert, Assistant Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics and a research affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
  • Nicolas Koch, head of the Policy Evaluation Lab at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
  • Noemi Kreif, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York.
  • Siri Isaksson, Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Behavioural Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics
  • Elisabeth Isaksen, Research Fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Oslo, and a Visiting Associate at the Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics
  • Dimitris Korobilis, Professor of Econometrics at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
  • Weining Wang, Economics Professor at the University of York
  • Haroon Mumtaz, Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London
  • Eugenie Dugoua, Assistant Professor in Environmental Economics and the London School of Economics
  • Danila Serra, Associate Professor of Economics at the Texas A&M University
  • Ines Moreno de Barreda, Official Fellow and Tutor in Economics at St Peter’s and Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Oxford

29th September 2022
Ines Morendo de Barreda (St Peter’s College, University of Oxford)

6th October 2022
Morten Lau (Copenhagen Business School)

13th October 2022
Emilio Calvano (Toulouse School of Economics)

20th October 2022
Imran Rasul (University College London)

3rd November 2022
Carlos Serrano (HEC Paris)

10th November 2022
Chris Starmer (University of Nottingham)

17th November 2022
Umberto Garfagnini (University of Surrey)

24th November 2022
Simeon Schudy (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)


1st December 2022
Livia Menezes (University of Birmingham)


8th December 2022
Radek Stefanski (University of St Andrews)

15th December 2022
Alessio Volpicella (University of Surrey)


2nd February 2023

Katherine Simpson (University of Glasgow)


9th February 2023

Alessandro Ispano (CY Cergy Paris Université)


23rd February 2023

Gabor Pinter (Bank of England)


2nd March 2023

Sebastian Goerg (Technical University of Munich)


9th March 2023

Bauke Visser (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


16th March 2023

Fiona Burlig (University of Chicago & NBER)


27th April 2023

Robert Taylor (University of Essex)


4th May 2023

Karlygash Kuralbayeva (King’s College London)


11th May 2023

Yilong Xu (Utrecht University)


18th May 2023

Jeremy Fox (Rice University)

5th October 2023
Laura Gee (Tufts University) 

12th October 2023
Jaromir Kovarik (University of the Basque County)

19th October 2023
Giuseppe Attanasi (Sapienza University of Rome)

2nd November 2023
Emmanuel Guerre (Queen Mary University of London)

9th November 2023
Ernesto Reuben (NYU Abu Dhabi)

16th November 2023
Christoph Schotmüller (University of Cologne)

23rd November 2023
Johanna Arlinghaus (University of Oxford)

30th November 2023
Andrea Gallice (University of Turin)

14th December 2023
Luca Fanelli (University of Bologna)