Below we have listed our main current priorities, together with changes we have introduced.
Raising awareness
We use all our digital areas to raise awareness about support and facilities available around the campus.
Website development to include relevant information to students, staff as well as external stakeholders.
Athena SWAN information is included in the induction materials provided to our staff.
We regularly survey the views of our staff. This information is used by our Equality and Diversity teams to understand the local issues we face, to feed into the development of our Action Plan.
Athena SWAN and Equality and Diversity information added to our digital student information zones.
All staff, regardless of role, are now mandated to undergo e-learning ‘Diversity in the Workplace' training.
Equality and Diversity topics are promoted through our social media including X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and our faculty showcase LinkedIn e.g. #AthenaSWAN, #equality #BeBoldForChange #womenintech
Supporting staff at key career transition points
Mentoring in the School includes advice for the preparation of CVs, job applications, interviews, scientific presentations as well as more targeted careers advice when needed. Opportunities for mentorship external to the school are also available.
On-site career development courses for staff are provided by the Centre for Staff and Educational Development, including over 200 courses to gain new or develop existing skills, learn best practice, regulations and pedagogy. Staff also have the opportunity to attend off-site training courses for enhancing workplace skills and employability; central training funding can be applied to for assistance with attendance costs.
We have been proactive in helping to action the initiatives resulting from the Science Faculty Appraisal working group.
Promoting networking opportunities
The School provides a relaxing environment for socialising, coffee-time and informal mentoring. We host many social events and celebrations within the School.
The School Contract Research Staff forum meets regularly to address specific research staff issues and provide updates to members on opportunities and changes occurring within the School. Our Research Staff Co-ordinator, Professor Vincent Moulton, represents and supports the views of Research Staff in the School.
Staff and students have the opportunity to network at ResNet events (a network promoting gender equality and fairness across the Norwich Research Park).
Supporting Flexible Working
The School arranges research seminars and meetings flexibly at times to maximise participation for all staff.
We work in close partnership with the Human Resources department to provide support for flexible working.
We promote the Faculty Return to Work Career Development Fund: to support career development and transition back to work following a significant period of absence; all staff employed directly in the Science Faculty are eligible to apply; contact
Supporting Families
The highly regarded UEA Nursery is available to staff and students. Dedicated drop off and pickup parking places are available.
There is a dedicated family room in the basement of the Elizabeth Fry Building. It is fully equipped for nursing mothers and has changing facilities.