The Industrial Advisory Panel (IAB) comprises external representatives from key organisations who can provide a strategic view on the School’s activities in respect of:
Graduate employability
Quality of our undergraduate/postgraduate courses
Relevance of our research and its impact on the economy
Plans and opportunities for strategic growth of the School
Providing skills and training for a COVID-19 world
The IAB provides light-touch advice, seeks ways to help and improve the performance and reputation of the School, and helps us to review the requirements of both industry/government and graduates to inform the School’s teaching and research agenda.
The key to a successful IAB is to have key representatives from important global, national and regional companies and government agencies who can provide advice as a critical friend.
The Terms of Reference for the IAB can be summarised as follows:
To provide a periodic channel of communication between the School and relevant sections of industry and government
To ensure that that School can receive appropriate expert advice and observations on the relevance of its teaching and research.
To advise on other School activities as the Board sees fit.
The main methods of interacting with the School are:
Recruitment opportunities for either work experience or for graduate positions - (e.g. UEA alumni) from the company or agency are invited to participate in the various School activities.
IAB members and their colleagues can deliver Guest lectures.
Industrial Programme supported by visits to the IAB companies.
Provide perspectives on current and future industry needs for our Computing Science/Actuarial Sciences undergraduate, graduate and PhD programmes
Act as a critical friend for any curricula developments and updates
Provide summary advice on new courses and changes in mode of delivery.
Act as ambassadors for the School, helping to raise the Schools profile and reputation within your organisation.
Advise on employability perspectives for our undergraduate and graduate programmes
Benefits to the School include:
The quality of the School's degree programmes is maintained.
The School is advised on which research activities might be undertaken to meet current industrial and wider government needs.
The employability of the School's students is enhanced.
The IAB can advise the School on ad hoc matters identified either by the academic staff or by the IAB members.
Benefits to board members include:
A raised awareness of the IAB partner's activities amongst staff and the students in the School.
To ensure that our graduates have the essential skills that are required by them as potential future employers.
To explore opportunities to use staff in the School as a suitable academic partner to help secure EPSRC / Innovate UK or other government agency or commercial funding for research and innovation projects.
Networking opportunities with other companies in the School eco-system.
Access to a large student population to undertake a wide range of projects and for recruitment.
Explore access to the extensive equipment and facilities and skills that are available in the School and wider UEA/Norwich Research Park.