Student feedback and engagement
UEA recognises the important role that feedback from students plays in the delivery and development of its courses of study and academic support provision.
The QAA Quality Code’s Expectation for Quality (2018) states:
‘Learning is a partnership; the effort and engagement of students is an essential aspect of their achievement. Students provide an invaluable perspective on the conditions needed for a high-quality academic experience and how this can be continuously improved.
Students can provide feedback, work collaboratively with staff and other stakeholders as they consider feedback and other quality indicators and work as co-creators of the curriculum. These activities will contribute to effective course design and approval, periodic review and the recognition of high-quality teaching.’
It is expected that all partner institutions will take deliberate steps to engage all students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience.
It is a minimum requirement of the University that each partner institution establishes at least one Staff-Student Liaison Committee or equivalent and that for every module student feedback is obtained at least annually each time the module is delivered. Additional feedback may be obtained from students in a variety of ways, although these will typically include questionnaires, in-class discussions or focus groups.
The relevant Joint Board of Study maintains an oversight of any issues arising from student feedback via the Monitoring, Review and Enhancement Process and other mechanisms.