LGBTQIA+ Supportive Services
For students
Student Services on My UEA (login required)
For staff
Staff Wellbeing on My UEA (login required)
For staff and students
National anonymous listening services:
Call: free phone 116123 (24-hour service) or email
Call: 0800 068 4141, Text: 07860 039967 or Email:
Young Minds:
Text: SHOUT to 85258 - YoungMinds Crisis Messenger
Call: 0300 304 700 between 4.00pm and 10.00pm each evening or Email: - SANEline support
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably):
Call: 0800 58 58 58 or webchat service
Norfolk LGBT+ Project:
Call: 01603 219299 or email:
By highlighting the University’s support for our LGBTQ+ community, we hope to ensure that all LGBTQIA+ staff feel safe, supported and empowered to be open and proud of their identity in the workplace.
The Staff Pride network already have biographies available to read, showcasing our members who have stepped up as LGBTQIA+ Representatives. However, on this page, we are keen to provide a space where our members can highlight using articles or blogs their experiences of being LGBTQIA+ to the wider University community.
Network Members Personal Experiences
One of UEA's LGBTQIA+ Staff Representatives Kit Marie Rackley has written about their own experiences here. The author would like to note that the content of this story are their own words and thoughts which they are happy and confident with sharing.
Take a look and get involved with UEA Staff Pride by joining us online;