Gill Malin: Chair
Reader, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East AngliaGill has been a Reader in Biological Oceanography in the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA since July 2009. She did her degree and PhD at the University of Liverpool and also worked at the University of Bristol and Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA). She established the Marine Trace Gas Biology lab at UEA whilst working on two 5-year NERC Advanced Research Fellowships. Gill attended the very first ResNet meeting in 2000 and has been actively involved for several years.
Tori Cann: Deputy Chair
Lecturer in the Humanities in the Interdisciplinary Institute for the HumanitiesTori’s research is broadly concerned with feminism, cultural politics and identity. More specifically she explores gender within youth cultures, seeking to make sense of the ways in which gender is reproduced through the regulation of cultural taste articulations. Tori teaches on the Foundation Year in the Humanities, and she is particularly concerned with encouraging students that are under-represented in higher education to study at university. As well as being deputy chair for the ResNet committee she is also a committee member of the International Girls Studies Association, a member of ARTS Emergency and co-founder of the community project Day of the Girl Norwich.
Jenni Barclay
Professor of Volcanology, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East AngliaJenni's background is in Geology, with a first degree from the University of Edinburgh and PhD from the University of Bristol. Her passion within geology is Volcanology and her PhD looked at several aspects of the degassing process associated with silicic volcanoes. Her first post-doctoral research project in 1996 involved an experimental investigation of the magma storage conditions of the newly erupting Soufriere Hills Volcano and as well as two further post-doctoral positions (Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and Maitre Assistante at the University of Geneva) and she also undertook several periods as a duty scientist at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. The experiences on Montserrat and elsewhere convinced Jenni of the need for a truly inter-disciplinary approach in order to properly understand volcanic eruptions and mitigate their impact. Since her appointment at UEA in 1999, Jenni has made full use of the rich diversity of researchers at UEA that go beyond the usual realms of geology and collaborate with sedimentologists, atmospheric scientists, geophysicists and social scientists on a variety of different problems relating to volcanic phenomena.
Tharin Blumenschein
Lecturer, School of Chemistry, University of East AngliaTharin studied Molecular Sciences as an undergraduate at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, followed by a PhD in Biochemistry at the same institution. From there, she spent five years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, in Canada, then moved to the UK in 2005 and was a postdoctoral research associate at Imperial College for two years. Tharin joined UEA in 2007, as a Lecturer in Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy in the School of Chemistry, and uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to look at the dynamics and structure of proteins.
Samantha Fox
Researcher, Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology, John Innes CentreSam did her degree in the school of biological sciences at UEA and then went on to complete a Master’s Degree by research thanks to a scholarship from The Sainsbury Laboratory. She is now a researcher at the John Innes Centre where her current interests are the study of plant growth and development. Sam has recently become a champion for equality and diversity at JIC and is involved in several educational outreach activities particularly the Year 10 Science Camp.
Lindsay Hall
Microbiome Research Leader at the Quadram Institute (formally Institute of Food Research) on the Norwich Research ParkLindsay has a BSc (Hons) in Microbiology from the University of Glasgow, a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Cambridge (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute), was a postdoctoral fellow at University College Cork, Ireland, and a Senior Lecturer at the UEA (Norwich Medical School). Lindsay is a Wellcome Trust Investigator, and her research team studies early life gut microbiota-host interactions with a particular focus on the beneficial microbe Bifidobacterium.
Yvonne Tasker
Professor, School of Film, Television and Media Studies, Associate Dean Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of East AngliaYvonne Tasker is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Her research lies in the field of Feminist Media Studies. She has published widely on issues of gender and popular culture. Her most recent book is 'Soldiers' Stories: military women in cinema and television since WWII'. A new anthology, 'Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity' co-edited with Prof Diane Negra (UCD), will be published by Duke University Press in 2014.
Helen Warner
Lecturer in Media and Culture, School of Political, Social and International Studies, University of East AngliaHelen is a Lecturer in Cultural Politics, Communications and Media Studies. Her research focuses on the intersection between gender, fashion and celebrity culture. She has published articles on contemporary US television, fashion and celebrity culture in several journals. Forthcoming work includes a monograph, Fashion on TV: Identity and Celebrity Culture (London Berg, 2013) and a co-edited collection on gender and popular culture with Dr Heather Savigny.