Research projects to run from Summer 2024

UEA has received funding from the Wellcome Trust to host several Biomedical Vacation Research Studentships during the summer of 2024 and 2025.

The projects will link to biomedical research that is in the remit of the Wellcome Trust and will be supervised within research groups from across the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and the research institutes of the Norwich Research Park.

Eligible students will be in the penultimate year of study of their undergraduate course, proceeding into their final year after undertaking their Summer Scholarship. Each student admitted to the programme will receive a bursary, paid at the Real Living Wage for 6-8 weeks, as agreed at appointment. Where necessary and within scheme limits and rules, subsidised travel and accommodation may be available.

Scholars have been recruited to the scheme for summer 2024. Applications for the 2025 Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Research Scholarships will open in early 2025.


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