
We study serious case reviews to shape policies and safeguard children from harm, abuse and neglect.
Safeguarding Children
We look at every word for danger signs. Our ground-breaking research into the serious case reviews of vulnerable children, shapes Government policies and helps to identify those children who are at most risk of harm, abuse and neglect.
It’s an uncomfortable issue. And not everyone wants to talk about it. But someone has to. And we’ve one of the most respected teams you’ll find anywhere in the world. At our Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF), we’ve carried out seven consecutive studies for the Government across England. And we’ve informed major child protection policy and law, both in the UK and beyond.
Whenever a child dies or suffers serious harm through maltreatment – it sends shockwaves through society. It impacts on the lives of family, friends, social workers, teachers, the media and the public. Every case of child death through abuse or neglect and some cases of serious harm result in a local multi-agency enquiry. We examine and analyse all of these reviews for the Government to identify how child deaths can be prevented and frontline child protection can be improved. We’ve studied over 1,500 case reviews so far.
It’s not an easy job, but what we do helps to save the lives of children of all ages – and especially the youngest. We provide crucial learning on the ground to everyone who works closely with children and families. And we impact on a national level through influencing Government and policymakers.
UEA Perspectives
Our efforts with the CRCF continue to pinpoint where children may be at most risk, and to identify opportunities for providing cross-agency support and decisive action for children and families who are especially vulnerable.
Everyone should be aware of how easily neglect can get sidelined. Professionals need to keep an open mind about the possibility of neglect having a fatal or very serious outcome for a child." - Professor Marian Brandon