Welcome to the Physiotherapy section of the Mentors and Practice Educators website.
Here you will find information and documents relating to curriculum, assessment of practice, standards and guidelines.
Practice Education Lead for Physiotherapy Placements
Libbi Percival
If you are a physiotherapist who would like to speak to a member of the UEA team about becoming an educator, or if you would like to take students and you have not done so in a while please contact us - we would love to hear from you.
Assessment documentation is now on PebblePad. You will receive a PebblePad login once we are informed you are the student’s educator. If you are the educator and have not been given a login (or have any PebblePad queries) please email HSC PebblePad HSC.pebblepad@uea.ac.uk. PebblePad training dates are available on the Educator and Assessor Training page.
If you would like to be sent the assessment documentation by email to view, or have any admin related placement queries please email lts.placements.pt@uea.ac.uk Thank you
Educator Drop-in Sessions with a member of the UEA Placements team
Physiotherapy Placements Handbook 2023-24 for BSc and MSc
BSc in Physiotherapy - 3 Years
BSc Physiotherapy Course Handbook
Process for Supporting Physiotherapy Students Who Are Not at the Expected Level on Placement
Common Placement Assessment Forms
BSc in Physiotherapy - 3 Years
Course Details
Further information on the BSc Physiotherapy Course (Web link)
MSc in Physiotherapy (pre-registration) - 2 Years
Course Details
Further information on the MSc Physiotherapy Course (Web Link)
Practice Placement Preparation and Evaluation
In response to the needs of new practice educators the Clinical Learning Environment Team in Norfolk have worked with faculty and staff from UEA to develop a checklist for practice educators who take students on placement. This checklist is available to adapt to each placement area and gives guidance on a welcome letter for students, induction processes and suggestions for preparing to take students on clinical placement.
Checklist (PDF)
Student ID on Placement
Students are expected to follow departmental procedure regarding identity whilst on placement. They are issued with a name badge and a plastic card holder which takes their UEA identity card.
Student Visits whilst on Placement
Is your student going to spend time with other health care professionals? This form has been designed by a therapist. The form enables other members of the team to record observations / comments on the visit to feedback to the student's educator.
Student visit form (PDF)
Role Emergent Placements
This protocol sets out the procedures and expectations for role emergent placements which are undertaken using long-arm supervision. These mainly occur within the final placement.
Role Emergent Protocol (PDF)
Out of Hours Contact for Students on Placement
The UEA Dean of Students' Office offers wide ranging advice and guidance to any student who is experiencing difficulties. The UEA Nightline is a confidential listening service funded by the Students' Union and run by UEA students. Calls can be made between 8.00pm and 8.00am during term time. Students can access this service if they are lonely, worried or just need someone to talk to 01603 503504.
Practice-Based Learning for Neurodivergent Students
The purpose of this guide is to increase the awareness of neurodivergence in healthcare education, share experiences from neurodivergent students and suggest methods for students and clinical tutors or practical educators to support the neurodivergent student population within practice-based learning.
Guide to Practice-Based Learning (PBL) for Neurodivergent Students