Reward and Job Evaluation Manager
Ex officio
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost (Chair)
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Education)
The Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors
Secretary Reward and Job Evaluation Manager
Terms of Reference
(1) To consider, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Senate and the Council, recommendations, and submissions concerning:
(a) confirmation of appointment
(b) advancement from Lecturer Grade A to Lecturer Grade B
(c) promotion of a Lecturer to Associate Professor
(d) prima facie cases for promotion to Professor/Chair
(e) the promotion of members of the Research and Analogous staff and to make recommendations thereon to the Senate and the Council.
(2) To take the steps necessary to see that all eligible members of staff have been considered on the same basis at the appropriate time for confirmation of appointment, promotion in accordance with the foregoing Rule and Procedures.
(3) To keep under review and make recommendations from time to time to the Senate and the Staff Board concerning the terms and confirmation of appointment, and promotion of the appropriate members of staff in general.
(4) To recommend to the Senate for appointment by the Council to honorary posts of Professor.