University of East Anglia’s (UEA) next Court will take place on the evening of Thursday 10 October 2024, from 6-8pm in The Enterprise Centre and will celebrate innovation across UEA.
Invitations are being issued by the University to a range of individuals and partner organisations including many signatories of our Civic Charter engaging with us on projects and collaborations.
This year’s Court will include a presentation from Professor David Maguire, Vice-Chancellor and President, the annual report from our Treasurer, Simon George, and the launch of UEA’s new development campaign.
Innovative work across UEA will be highlighted by presentations covering:
• Skills development for a healthier East Anglia
• Community benefits from UEA’s work in Sport and Physical Activity
• UEA Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The event will conclude with networking over light refreshments served from around 7.15pm.