A selection of our recent publications
Alper, J. and Howe, D. (eds), (2017), Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Jessica Kingsley: London.
Anka, A., Anka, Sorensen, P, Brandon, M and Bailey, S (2017) Social work intervention with adults who self-neglect in England: responding to the Care Act 2014 Journal of Adult Protection. Vol. 19 Issue: 2, pp.67-77, doi: 10.1108/JAP-11-2016-0027.
Beckett, C., Dickens, J. and Bailey, S. (2016) Outcomes for children of shorter court decision-making processes: A follow-up study of the Tri-borough care proceedings pilot, Final Report. Norwich, Centre for Research on Children and Families, UEA.
Beckett, C., Dickens, J., Schofield, G., Philip, G. and Young, J. (2016) ‘Independence and effectiveness: messages from the role of Independent Reviewing Officers in England’, Children and Youth Services Review, 71: 148-156.
Beckett, C., Maynard, A. and Jordan, P. (2017) Values and Ethics in Social Work (3rdEd), London, Sage.
Beek M., Schofield G. & Young J (2016) ‘Supporting long-term foster care placements in the independent sector’ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report 07: Department for Education.
Berrick, J., Dickens, J., Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (forthcoming) ‘A cross-country comparison of child welfare systems and workers’ responses to children appearing to be at risk or in need of help’, Child Abuse Review.
Berrick, J., Dickens, J., Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (2016) ‘Parents’ involvement in care order decisions: a cross-country study of front-line practice’ Child and Family Social Work, early view.
Berrick, J., Dickens, J., Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (2016) ‘Time, institutional support and quality of decision making in child protection: A cross-country analysis’ Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance.
Berrick, J., Dickens, J., Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (2016) ‘Time, institutional support and quality of decision making in child protection: A cross-country analysis’, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 40: 451-468.
Biggart, L., Ward, E., Cook, L., Schofield. G. (submitted). “I can’t deal with anybody else’s tears today.” The combined effects of emotional demands and job demands in child and family social work. British Journal of Social Work.
Biggart, L., Ward, E., Cook, L., Stride, C., Schofield, G., Corr, P., et al. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Burnout in Child and Family Social Work: Implications for policy and practice. Research Briefing. Norwich: Centre for Research on Children and Families, UEA.
Brandon, M and Belderson, P (2016) Responding to Neglect: learning from Serious Case Reviews, in Gardner, R. ed. Child Neglect, JKP.
Brandon, M., Sorensen, P., Thoburn, J., Bailey, S., and Connolly, S. (2016) ‘Turning points or turning around? Family Coach Work with ‘troubled families’ International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 16: 1-2 pp 57-77 ISBN 978-90-441-3378-3.
Collins, R., Firth, L., Shakespeare, T., (2016) “Very much evolving”: a qualitative study of the views of psychiatrists about Peer Support Workers in Journal of Mental Health pp. 2-6.
Connolly, S., Aldrich, M., O’Brien, M., Poole, E. and Speight, S., ‘Britain’s slow movement to a Gender Egalitarian Equilibrium: Parents and Employment in the UK 2001 – 2013’, Work Employment and Society, 2016, Vol 30, No 5, pp 838-857.
Cook, L. (forthcoming) ‘Making sense of the initial home visit: of role of intuition in child and family social workers’ assessments of risk. Journal of Social Work Practice.
Cooper A, Briggs M, Lawson J, Hodson B, Wilson M and Belderson P & Brandon M (2016) Making Safeguarding Personal Temperature Check 2016: A survey of local authorities commissioned by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.
Cossar, J., Brandon, M., Jordan, P.(2016) ‘You’ve got to trust her and she’s got to trust you’: children’s views on participation in the child protection system: Children’s views on participation in Child and Family Social Work 21.pp. 103–112.
Dance, C., Neil, E. and Rogers, R. (forthcoming) Inter-agency Adoption and the Government’s Subsidy of the Inter-Agency Fee. London: Department for Education.
Dickens, J. (2017) ‘Independent Reviewing Officers – myths and misunderstandings continue’, Family Law Week, 6 April, https://www.familylawweek.co.uk/site.aspx?i=ed177095.
Dickens, J. (2016) Social Work and Social Policy: An Introduction, 2nd edition, Abingdon: Routledge.
Dickens, J. and Masson, J. (2016) ‘The courts and child protection work in England: tail wags dog?’, British Journal of Social Work, 46(2): 355-371.
Dickens, J., Berrick, J., Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (2016) ‘Social workers and independent experts in child protection decision-making: messages from an inter-country comparative study’, British Journal of Social Work, online.
Dickens, J. (2017) ‘Clement Attlee and the Social Service Idea: Modern Messages for Social Work in England’ in British Journal of Social Work 0, pp1-16.
Dodsworth, J. (2017) The Northamptonshire Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Toolkit: A Toolkit to Raise Awareness and Share Strategies to Ensure Early Help is Provided to Children and Young People at Risk of Child Sexual Exploitation by Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board, 2015. Child Abuse Rev., doi: 10.1002/car.2472.
Dodsworth, J and Sorensen P (2016) ‘An examination of multi-agency working with children and young people at risk of and experiencing sexual exploitation from the perspectives of the key safeguarding agencies’ CRCF UEA.
Hafford-Letchfield T, Cocker C, Ryan P, Melonowska J. (2016) ‘Rights through Alliances: Findings from a European Project Tackling Homophobic and Transphobic Bullying in Schools through the Engagement of Families and Young People’, British Journal of Social Work 46 (8), pp 2338-2356.
Howe, D. (2016), 30th Anniversary Piece, Relationship-based Thinking and Practice, Journal of Social Work Practice, 30(4), pp 449-50.
Howe, D. (2017), Conclusion. In J. Alper and D. Howe (eds), ,Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Jessica Kingsley: London, pp 193-206.
Howe, D. (2017), Child Abuse and Neglect: attachment, development and intervention (Chinese/Taiwanese translation), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families: Taiwan.
Howard Wilsher, S., Irvine, L., Fan, H., Shakespeare, T., Suhrcke, M., Horton, S., Poland, F., Hooper, L., Song, F. (2016) Systematic overview of economic evaluations of health-related rehabilitation in Disability and Health Journal 9.pp. 11-25.
Knorth, E.J., Knot-Dickscheit, J. and Thoburn, J. (2016) ‘Supporting children when providing services to families experiencing multiple problems: Perspectives and evidence on programmes’ International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 16:1-2 pp 2-10 ISBN 978-90-441-3378-3.
Masson, J., Dickens, J., Bader, K., Garside, L. and Young, J. (2017) How is the PLO working? What is its impact on court process and outcome? Family Law Week, 17 February. Available at: www.familylawweek.co.uk/site.aspx?i=ed176048.
Neil, E. (2017) Helping birth parents in adoption. A literature review of birth parent support services, including supporting post adoption contact. München: Deutsches Jugendinstitut.
Schofield, G., Larsson, B., Ward, E., (2016) ‘Risk, resilience and identity construction in the life narratives of young people leaving residential care’ Child and Family Social Work.
Schofield, G., Larsson, B., and Ward, E. (2017) Risk, resilience and identity construction in the life narratives of young people leaving residential care. Child & Family Social Work, 22: 782–791. doi: 10.1111/cfs.12295.
Shakespeare, T., Watson, N., Abu Alghaib, O., (2016) Blaming the victim, all over again: Waddell and Aylward’s biopsychosocial (BPS) model of disability in Critical Social Policy.
Shakespeare T, Zeilig H, Mittler P (2017) Rights in mind: thinking differently about dementia and disability, Dementia (epub ahead of print) DOI: 10.1177/1471301217701506.
Skivenes, M., Thoburn, J. (2016) Pathways to permanence in England and Norway: A critical analysis of documents and data in Children and Youth Services Review 67. pp. 152-160 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.05.020.
Skivenes, M and Thoburn, T. (2017) ‘Citizens’ views in four jurisdictions on placement policies for maltreated children’. Child and Family Social Work https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12369.
Sidebotham P, Brandon M, Bailey S, Belderson P, Dodsworth J, Garstang J, Harrison E, Retzer A, and Sorensen P (2016) Pathways to Harm, Pathways to Protection: A Triennial Analysis of Serious Case Reviews 2011-2014.
Taylor, J., Brandon M., Hodson, D., and Haynes, A (2016) Child neglect: policy, response and developments in England Research, Policy and Planning (2016) 32(1), 39-51.
Thoburn, J. (2016) Residential care as a permanence option for young people needing longer-term care Children and Youth Services Review Vol 69, pp19-28 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.07.020.
Thoburn, J. (2016). Achieving good outcomes in foster care: a personal perspective on research across contexts and cultures. Social Work & Society, 14(2).
Thoburn, J., Taylor, J. (2016) Collaborative Practice with Vulnerable Children and their Families CRC Press ISBN 9781846198960.
Zeira, A., Canali, C., Vecchiato, T., Thoburn, J. (2016) ‘Services to prevent children coming unnecessarily into care: A cross-national perspective’ International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 16:1-2 pp 95-112 ISBN 978-90-441-3378-3.