MU-MAP is a research project supported by the MSOR Network through the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project, part of the National HE STEM Programme.

The main outcome of the project is a book that describes different forms of assessment practice, with a collection of 14 short case studies and 7 larger assessment projects.

Download the MU-MAP book
Both the short case studies and the larger projects focus is on implementation of the assessment practice and impact of change. The book also contains findings of a survey of assessment practices in mathematics departments in England and Wales and a review of the literature on assessment in mathematics at university level. 

Download the final MU-MAP report

Further publications

The project also led to the following publications:

  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2015). Students' preferences in undergraduate mathematics assessment. Studies in Higher Education. 40, 1046-1067. 
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2015) Mathematics lecturers' views of examinations: Tensions and possible resolutions. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 34, 71- 82.
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2015) Students’ views of oral performance Assessment in mathematics:  Straddling 'assessment of'  and ' assessment for'  learning divide. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 40, 971-987.
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2012) Oral Assessment in mathematics: implementation and outcomes. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 31(4), 179-190. 
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2012), MU MAP - report on a survey of current assessment practices in undergraduate mathematics in the UK. Proceedings of the CELT-MSOR Conference 2012 34-38.
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2011) The summative assessment diet: how we assess in mathematics degrees. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 30(4), 186-196.
  • Iannone, P. and Simpson, A. (2011) Assessment preferences in university mathematics. Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Ankara, Turkey (3) 49-57.