Prepare-ABC Study Design

Prepare-ABC will compare two exercise intervention programmes, a hospital-supervised exercise programme and a home-supported exercise programme, each with standard care at approximately 20 sites in the UK. We aim to recruit 1146 patients in total; the first site, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, recruited the first Prepare-ABC patient in November 2016.

Patients randomised to the hospital-supervised treatment arm will receive an initial 45 minute counselling session, which will also incorporate behaviour modification techniques, before being offered 3 sessions of aerobic interval exercise per week in the 3-4 weeks leading up to surgery for their colorectal cancer. Approximately 6 weeks after surgery, these patients will recommence their exercise programme aiming to complete 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week whilst also being offered a monthly 'booster' exercise session at hospital using the cycle ergometer. Patients will also be encouraged to complete two resistance exercise sessions per week, pre- and post- operatively.

Patients randomised to the home-supported treatment arm will also receive an initial 45 minute counselling session, which will also incorporate behaviour modification techniques before being encouraged to complete 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, in a plan tailored to each patient and their ability. Patients will receive weekly telephone calls from a trial physiotherapist to encourage compliance to the exercise programme.  Approximately 6 weeks after surgery, these patients will recommence their exercise programme and receive monthly telephone calls from a trial physiotherapist. Patients will also be encouraged to complete two resistance exercise sessions per week, pre- and post- operatively.

Patients randomised to the treatment as usual (control) group will not receive any information relating to peri-operative exercise other than is consistent with current standard practice.


Trial Summary

Prepare Sites