Studying Sociology at UEA can prepare you for a wide range of career options in various fields such as:

  • Criminal justice
    You can work in the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, probation and parole, and the court system.
  • Education
    With a degree in sociology, you can teach sociology or other social sciences at the high school or college level.
  • Social work
    As a social worker, you can help individuals and families cope with problems they face in their daily lives, such as poverty, abuse, and addiction.
  • Public policy and advocacy
    You can work for government agencies or non-profit organizations that focus on social issues such as poverty, healthcare, and education.
  • Human resources
    With a sociology degree, you can work in human resources departments, helping organizations hire and retain employees while ensuring diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Market research
    You can work in market research, helping companies understand consumer behaviour and trends.
  • Journalism
    Sociology graduates can use their skills to become journalists, reporting on social issues and trends.


These are just a few examples of the many career paths available to you after graduating from sociology. The skills you learn in sociology, such as critical thinking, data analysis, and research, are highly transferable and can be applied in a variety of careers.

Read more about options
with a Sociology Degree

Study Abroad

Why not enrich and broaden your sociological experience by studying abroad?

Check out UEA's
Year Abroad programme

Career options

Discover how CareersCentral at UEA can help you to explore your career options as well as provide you with opportunities to develop your employment knowledge and skills to succeed in your career.