17 June 2019

My UEA Story: Yuli Shan


Name: Yuli Shan

School: Global Development

Research area: Climate Change Economics

Bio: I am Yuli Shan from China. I am currently a 3rd-year Postgraduate Researcher (PhD student) at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Global Development. My research topic is “China emission accounts and low-carbon development”. I am also an Assistant Tutor in the school. Find more about my research on Research Gate.



I am Yuli Shan I'm from School of International Development and the Tyndall Centre for climate change research and my research is about climate change economics and China's emission accounts.

Why is your research important?

China is now the leading the world's leading energy consumer and CO2 emitter. If we want to reduce its emissions we must know exactly how much it emits every year, so my research is to calculate the emissions for the past 10 to 20 years.

What could your research mean in the real world?

It is closely related to the government policy-making. My research my data will provide the basic information for them to decide how to reduce China's emission.

What fascinates you about this research area?

I also think the fascinating part is it is closely related to the policy-making, I can really do something to help to improve China's environmental conditions as well as the global environment.

What has been your favourite moment so far?

After I came to UEA, I have published a few papers and my work is awarded by the Chinese government as one of the outstanding PhD students abroad. I have just got the certificate from London last week and I think this may be one of my favourite things here.

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A day in the life of Yuli

9am - 6pm

I go onto campus every working day in the morning at around 9 o’clock, and go back home at 5-6 in the afternoon. Most of the time, I stay at our PGR suite. I am doing research on China emission accounts and low-carbon development. Every PhD candidate in our school has a desk in the PGR suite, equipped with a computer. I also work in the library sometimes, in case I need to borrow books.

I meet with my supervisors quite frequently, almost once a week. They are very nice and always give me valuable suggestions on my research.


3pm - 4pm

Three times a week, I go to the gym in the afternoon. The Sportspark at the university is excellent. Sometimes on the weekend, I attend the sports courses organised by the Sportspark, such as swimming.


6pm - 10pm

In the evening, I usually have dinner with my roommates. I have three roommates who I share an entire house with. Two of them are also PhD candidates in our school. After the dinner, I prepare lunch for tomorrow.



On Saturday, I usually visit my friends and we play cards together. On Sunday, I go to the supermarkets to buy some daily supplies, or go shopping in the city centre.

On some weeks, our school PGR reps organise activities, such as parties, boating, and hiking. Such activities give us the opportunity to know each other better. The activities are posted on Facebook.


School of Global Development

Postgraduate study