Alzheimer’s Research UK and UEA present
‘Dementia after lockdown’
Thursday 1st July 2021 at 2pm on Zoom
‘Maintaining momentum in dementia research: COVID and beyond’ - Hilary Evans, Chief Executive, Alzheimer’s Research UK
‘Prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia – is it possible? New findings from FINGER and World-Wide FINGERS trials’ - Professor Miia Kivipelto, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
‘Online and live connection through music therapy’ - Professor Hanne Mette Ridder, Aalborg University, Denmark
Hilary Evans, Chief Executive, Alzheimer’s Research UK: ‘Maintaining momentum in dementia research: COVID and beyond’
Hilary Evans has led the transformation of Alzheimer’s Research UK since taking the helm in 2015. Under her leadership, the charity has more than tripled its income, growing its ability to fund pioneering research projects and initiatives and deliver life-changing breakthroughs for everyone affected by dementia.
Hilary will share how the charity has navigated the challenges created by the pandemic, and the outlook for dementia research over the coming years. Highlighting key areas of ongoing work, she will speak about initiatives to boost the nation’s brain health and develop wearable technology that can spot the early signs of dementia. She will also share how the charity is working to deliver life-changing dementia treatments, and the importance of driving these three strands of work simultaneously.
Professor Miia Kivipelto, Karolinska Institute Sweden: ‘Prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia – is it possible? New findings from FINGER and World-Wide FINGERS trials’
Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet’s Centre for Alzheimer Research, and senior geriatrician and Director for Research & Development of Theme Aging at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. She is Professor of Neuroepidemiology and Head of the Aging and Epidemiology Research Unit at Imperial College, London. Prof Kivipelto’s translational research focuses on the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and other aging related disorders.
Miia is the Principal Investigator of the landmark FINGER trial and founder and scientific leader of the World-Wide FINGERS Network which includes 40 countries and her talk will focus on its latest findings.
Professor Hanne Mette Ridder, Aalborg University, Denmark: ‘Online and live connection through music therapy’
Hanne Mette Ridder, PhD, is professor of Music Therapy at Aalborg University, Denmark. She is head of the Doctoral Programme in Music Therapy, approved clinical supervisor, and past president of the European Music Therapy Confederation (2010-2016). Her research and publications have mainly focused on music therapy in a psychosocial understanding of dementia care.
When Covid seriously hit Danish nursing homes in 2020, it became even more clear how important singing and music is for breaking social isolation, especially for people with severe dementia. Music is a social practice, and difficult to share online but Hanne will discuss how many new ways of digitally sharing music have been implemented in music therapy practice.
The event will conclude with a round table Question and Answer session, chaired by Dr Saber Sami, PhD, MScEE, BEng, Senior Lecturer in Dementia Research, Norwich Medical School.
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