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Publications in peer reviewed journals 

Gitsels, L. A., Bakbergenuly, I.,  Steel N. and Kulinskaya, E., Do statins reduce mortality in older people? Findinds from longitudinal study using primary care records, Accepted by Family Medicine and Community Health Journal, 14/01/2021

Kulinskaya, E., Gitsels, L. A., Bakbergenuly, I. and Wright N. R. : Calculation of changes in individual and period life expectancy based on proportional hazards model of an intervention. Insurance Mathematics and Economics 2020, 93, 27-35

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Wright, N. (2019) How medical advances and health interventions will shape future longevity. British Actuarial Journal 24: e10. doi:10.1017/S1357321719000059. 

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Bakbergenuly I., Steel, N. (2017) Optimal systolic blood pressure targets in routine clinical care. Journal of Hypertension. 37:837-843. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001947. Impact factor: 4.72.

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Steel, N. (2017) Survival prospects after acute myocardial infarction in the United Kingdom: a matched cohort study 1987-2011. BMJ Open 7:e013570. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013570. Impact factor: 2.56.

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Steel, N. (2016). Survival benefits of statins for primary prevention: a cohort study. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166847. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166847. Impact factor: 3.24.

IFoA Publications 

Kulinskaya, E., Bakbergenuly, I., Gitsels, L.A., A Fine Scale, The Actuary, May 2020

Gitsels, L.A. and Kulinskaya, E. Statins: figures on the pulse. The Actuary, August 9, 2018

Kulinskaya, E., Gitsels, L. A., Use of big health and actuarial data for understanding longevity and morbidity risk, Big-Data in Health, Longevity Bulletin From the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (December 2016)

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Wright, N. (2019) How medical advances and health interventions will shape future longevity ‐ Abstract of the Edinburgh Discussion. British Actuarial Journal, 24:e9. doi:10.1017/S1357321718000326.

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Wright, N. (2019) , How medical advances and health interventions will shape future longevity, British Actuarial Journal, 24, e10,2019.

Working papers 

1. Padma Chutoo, Nicholas Steel, Dmitry Pshezhevskiy, Elena Kulinskaya, Long term survival after a first transient ischemic attack in England : a case - control study

2. Padma Chutoo, Nicholas Steel, Dmitry Pshezhevskiy, Elena Kulinskaya, Survival after a first ischaemic stroke event: a case control study in the adult population of England

3. Njabulo Ncube, Elena Kulinskaya, Nicholas Steel, Dmitry Pshezhevskiy, On the Survival of Diabetes Mellitus 2 individuals in the United Kingdom (UK) Population

4. Nurunnahar Akter, Elena Kulinskaya, Nicholas Steel, Ilyas Bakbergenuly. The Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on All-Cause Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study of UK Women

5. Elena Kulinskaya, Ilyas Bakbergenuly, Nigel Wright, Nicholas Steel. Big Health data in Actuarial Research: a new insights and lessons learnt. To be Written by Autumn 2021


Akter, N., Bakbergenuly, I., Steel, N., Kulinskaya, E., The Impact of HRT on Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study of UK Women, The Online International Conference in Actuarial Science, Data Science and Finance (OICA), 28-29 April 2020.

Kulinskaya E., Bakbergenuly, I., Chutoo, P., Akter, N., Ncube, N, Beyond Proportional Hazards, Technical Workshop, Wednesday 30 October 2019, Staple Inn Hall 

Bakbergenuly, I., Gitsels, L.A, Kulinskaya E., Landmark analyses of survival benefit of associated with statin prescription, The Royal Statistical Society Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom 2-5 September 2019

Chutoo, P., Stroke Mortality and Morbidity in the United Kingdom, The Research Students ' Conference (RSC) in Probability and Statistics, Exeter, United Kingdom, 18th - 21st June 2019. 

Akter, N., Hormone Replacement Therapy and its impact on longevity and morbidity, The Research Students ' Conference (RSC) in Probability and Statistics, Exeter, United Kingdom, 18th - 21st June 2019. 

Kulinskaya, E., Use of administrative health databases for modelling longevity improvement, The 2nd Insurance Data Science Conference, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 14 June 2019

Kulinskaya E., Chutoo, P., Akter, N., Ncube. N, Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Stroke Analysis, Part 3: Hormone Replacement Therapy Analysis,  Part 4: Diabetes Analysis, Pre-recorded webinars, IFoA’s Protection, Health & Care Conference, June, 2019

Gitsels, L. A, Kulinskaya, E., Bakbergenuly, I. and Steel N., The ideal blood pressure: assesment of fixed and variant targets over time in clinical trial and routine clinical practice, 29th International Biometric Conference, Barcelona, 8-13 July 2018

Kulinskaya, E. and Gitsels, L. A., Modelling longevity risks from the primary care data, Life conference, Birmingham, 22-24 November, 2017   

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E. and Steel N., Update on the findings of the research programme so far and future direction, Staple Inn Hall, High Holborn, London, 27 September 2017

Bakbergenuly, I., Kulinskaya, E., Gitsels, L. A. and Steel N., Intensive blood pressure targets in clinical trial versus primary care setting, The Royal Statistical Society Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom 4-7 September 2017

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E., Bakbergenuly I. and Steel N., Outcomes of blood pressure targets in clinical trial versus primary care setting, 38th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics,Vigo, Spain 9-13 July 2017

Gitsels, L. A., Making sense of big healthcare data – analysing longevity, Statistics and Data Science in the Digital Age seminar, The School of Mathematics at UEA and the ESRC funded Business and Local Government Data Research Centre cross-faculty seminar series, March 2017

Gitsels, L. A., Kulinskaya, E. Use of routinely collected primary care data to model longevity and longevity improvement, A session at the International Mortality and Longevity Symposium 2016, RHUL September 2016

Kulinskaya, E. Obtaining public data for public purposes. Plenary talk at the International Mortality and Longevity Symposium 2016, RHUL September 2016

Kulinskaya, E., Wright N. Use of large population-based primary care data to model variations and trends in life expectancy Invited talk at the ARC 2016, Minneapolis, USA, July 27-30, 2016

Kulinskaya, E. Statistical Problems in Big Data. Plenary talk at Big Data session at the ARC 2016, Minneapolis, USA, July 27-30, 2016

Kulinskaya, E., Wright N. Use of Big Data For Actuarial Research on Longevity, 12 May 2016. Invited talk at “Data Science Universe” event by IFoA, London, Staple Inn Hall, May 11, 2016


Padma Chutoo, Elena Kulinskaya, Nicholas Steel, Ilyas Bakbergenuly Dmitry Pshezhetskiy. Survival analysis after a first Ischaemic stroke event: a case-control study in the adult population of England.

Njabulo Ncube, Elena Kulinskaya. On the survival of diabetic mellitus II individuals in the United Kingdom (UK): a retrospective case control study

Nurunnahar Akter, Elena Kulinskaya and Nicholas Steel. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Long-term Mortality of UK Women