We are currently working on a special issue as well as multiple journal articles.
Elder, Chi-Hé, Eleni Kapogianni & Ibi Reichl. Expected publication 2025. Special issue, "Negotiating offensive humour in interaction". Accepted for publication in Pragmatics and Cognition.
Kapogianni, Eleni, Chi-Hé Elder & Ibi Reichl. Expected publication 2025. "The joke and the joker: Examining context, intention and accountability in cases of offensive humour". To be submitted to Pragmatics and Cognition, as part of the Special Issue “Negotiating Offensive Humour in Interaction”.
Ibi Reichl, Chi-Hé Elder & Kapogianni, Eleni. To be submitted 2024. "Fragile men and fishy arguments: Attributing and disputing offence." To be submitted to Intercultural Pragmatics.
Elder, Chi-Hé & Eleni Kapogianni. Expected publication 2025. RuPaul’s “angry black woman”: a tale of failed humour, microaggressions, and online racial discourse. To be submitted to the European Journal of Humour Research, as part of the Special Issue “Humor and Conflict in the Digital Age”.