Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation (Chair)
Academic Director of UEA Doctoral College
Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research of each Faculty
Chair of the Norwich Bioscience Institutes Graduate School Executive
Director, ARIES Doctoral Training Partnership
UEA Academic Lead, CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership
Postgraduate Education Officer of UEA Students’ Union
Director of Research and Innovation Division
Marketing and Communications Manager, Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing Division
Head of Postgraduate Research Service (Secretary)
Co-opted for 2020-21: Chair of University of Suffolk Postgraduate Research Committee
The Doctoral College Executive will have the right to co-opt other representatives from the University or partner organisations on a regular or ad-hoc basis as appropriate. The Academic Director of UEA Doctoral College may act as Chair if the Pro-Vice-Chancellor is unable to attend. The Doctoral College Executive will meet at least five times per annum, thus ensuring sufficient time for the volume of business.
Terms of Reference
To devise, consider, implement and keep under review a University-wide strategic framework for postgraduate research provision for students, including development of excellent research environments.
To contribute to the development, implementation, review and update of the University’s Corporate Plan with specific reference to postgraduate research provision for students.
To keep abreast of opportunities arising from external developments and influences on postgraduate research provision, including the Research Councils and related bodies, and to receive regular reports concerning doctoral training and other partnership provision involving students at the University.
To have delegated authority from Senate via the Learning and Teaching Committee to make decisions on postgraduate research programme matters, and to report any such decisions to the Learning and Teaching Committee under Section C (Items for Report) of its agenda.
To develop, implement, update and review relevant regulatory frameworks, the Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes, policies and procedures relevant to postgraduate research programmes.
To keep under review matters of principle, policy and/or practice emerging from academic appeals, academic complaints and allegations of misconduct in research by postgraduate research students.
To maximise funded opportunities for expansion of postgraduate research student numbers consistent with the strategic framework and the University’s Corporate Plan.
To develop and promote strategies for the employability of postgraduate research students.
To maximise and promote equality of opportunity for postgraduate research students.
To receive regular reports from and liaise closely with the Faculty and NBI Graduate School Executives.
To liaise closely and to engage co-operatively with the Research Executive, the ARM Executive, the Innovation Executive and with other Committees and Groups as appropriate and relevant.
To liaise with and involve the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic), Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors and other Academic Directors promptly in any matters of mutual concern.