We work closely with a number of research partners, including service providers and service users and a range of stakeholders in policy and practice who become involved at all stages from research development to dissemination and impact.
Child protection and family support
Department for Education
Welsh Assembly
Department of Health
Parliamentary select committees
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass)
Office of the Children's Commissioner
National Children's Bureau
Australia & New Zealand Ministries
Equality & Human Rights Commission
Working Families
Fawcett Society
Fatherhood Institute
Family Matters Institute
European Union - DG Employment: Directorate for Equality between Men and Women
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Child placement
Department for Education
Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board
Parliamentary select committees; members of the House of Commons and House of Lords
Family Justice Council
British Association for Adoption & Fostering
National Association of Independent Reviewing Officers
The Adolescent and Children's Trust
The Fostering Network
After Adoption; agencies abroad e.g. in Norway, China, Italy.